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Greetings! It is I, Author! The omnipotent writer and Seer of this story! Allow me to give you some insight on what to expect from this story!

*Clears throat*

1st: As the description entails, and if you've seen Young Justice, Izuku will be gaining abilities of Martian Manhunter through the blood transfusion that was done in order to save Izuku's life.

2nd: Izuku will be taught an education through, you guessed it, Batman. Due to Izuku's already stellar intellect, the studious portion of his upbringing won't be showcased as much besides languages.

3rd: Izuku's mentor is Martian Manhunter, there will be a chapter of him being taught how to use his abilities.

4th: Izuku will be meeting the Young Justice crew as well so he will be making a few friends during this fanfiction.

5th: Izuku in here will be Pansexual. During his travels and learning more about the world and life beyond earth, he will learn more about his sexuality and preferences (including mentions of dating a few guys and gals here and there).

Alright! Without further ado, here's Izuku of Mars: Prologue!

Batman: You seem to be fairly better now. Vitals seems good and no signs of permanent damage from your injuries.

The gruff voice of the bat themed hero explain to Izuku, lying down for in a C.T scan. Izuku was still trying to process what had happened to him within the last hour upon his awakening.

As the cot pulled out from the machine, Izuku sat up, rubbing at his healing body gingerly. After turning the machine off, Batman came over to Izuku and looked at the young preteen with a stoic expression.

Batman: How exactly did you obtain those injuries? They were far too severe and brutal for simple bullying.

Izuku stayed silent as he was questioned. He couldn't bring himself to say what he's been through since the age of four. Batman watched the boy struggle internally with wanting to tell the truth.

?: Perhaps it'll be easier if I show you.

Batman didn't turn to face the voice that had make itself known but Izuku had. He faced the doorway and saw the man that had saved his life via transfusion of blood. The green skinned man approached Batman and closed his eyes, the bat themed hero becoming still for a few short moments before nodding in understanding.

Batman: I see. J'onn you keep an eye on the boy, I'll go explain the situation to the rest of the League.

And without another word, Batman left the room, stepping out and presumably going to meet the others heroes and relay the information he was just given. J'onn then looked at Izuku, his expression soft.

J'onn: Izuku Yagi, my name is J'onn J'onzz also known as Martian Manhunter. I am part of the hero team known as the Justice League.

Izuku has heard of the Justice League before. They were stationed mainly in America but have been known to handle world wide incidents. Normally, he'd have a hero freak out but after being healed, the last thing his saviours need are an overexcited hero fanatic.

Izuku: What... happens now? Will I be sent back?

Izuku asked fearfully, not wanting to be sent back to the life he suffered in. J'onn shook his head, relief flooding Izuku's body as he knew he wouldn't be going back to his hellish past.

J'onn: For the foreseeable future, you will be under my care. When I used my abilities to alter my blood to match your blood type, it changed your body's entire biological makeup.

Izuku of MarsWhere stories live. Discover now