Chapter 1: Tutelage and Friendship

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Author: Welcome Back! So the prologue was indeed pretty short but mainly to avoid unnecessary filler. In this chapter, we will be viewing Izuku after a three year timeskip with some inserts of training and education. I will also be introducing the Young Justice crew in this chapter as well.

Now, here's Izuku of Mars: Chapter 1!

P.S: Any artwork shown is not claimed by me.
Three year timeskip.

Three years after his initial arrival on the Watchtower, Izuku had grown exponentially with his newfound powers. His appearance had changed drastically as well. His unruly curls were gone, his green hair cut short. His skin was a light shade of green and his freckles were a darker shade of green.

Author: Top right haircut

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Author: Top right haircut. But seriously, look at that cute, smushable face!

His body physique had also improved as well, slim, toned muscles adorned his body which was covered in a skin-tight black and deep rich green spandex body suit topped off with a cape.

He was standing near one of the Watchtower's expansive windows which gives view of the galactic beauty of space. Beside him, was possibly the closest person he considers a best friend, possibly even a brother figure.

?: Three years. Where did the time go?

Izuku looked at his close friend and chuckled.

Izuku: Didn't take you to be sentimental.

?: Ah shut it, man. I'm just reminiscing the early days, including your training days.

Izuku: *groans* ugh, those days were probably the most frustrating for me.

?: Pft, yeah I know, I was there. Remember when you were trying to get density shifting down?

Izuku: Oh don't remind me.


Izuku: A little help, Mr. J'onzz?

Izuku called out, a sheepish look on his freckled face as he was stuck in a slab of sheet metal, his left leg, right arm, half his torso and his head sticking out one end and the rest on the other.

The one who became his mentor, Martian Manhunter, chuckled softly to himself. He placed a hand on the sheet metal itself and shifted it's density, allowing it to become corporeal and Izuku landing onto the floor with a proper 'oof''

?: Darn, so close Izuku!

A voice called out, Izuku instantly sporting a bright smile as he got to his feet. Approaching him was a teenager, decked out in red, yellow and green with a domino mask hiding his eyes.

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