Chapter 3: Reunions

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Author: WELCOME BACK!~ So as we left off from the last chapter, we will see Izuku catching up with Nezu. There will be unwanted guests during the conversation within Nezu's office so get ready for that.

So here's Izuku of Mars: Chapter 3!~


Nezu was grinning brightly as he walked through the halls of U.A, a visibly radiant Izuku practically vibrating from trying to contain his freak out. Izuku's eyes were never on one spot for more than a second, always shifting his attention to anything that catches his interest.

Wally was merely staring at this excited teenager with the body of a Greek God (Somewhere, Artemis is smirking) and couldn't help but smile. However, internally, Wally was worried for his newly appointed teammate. He saw how Izuku was practically spiralling into some sort of... abyss. The way he froze up and began to pale... and to top it off even more, Dick had so much hate when those five were around.

Wally: But side note, better not piss off M'gann. Never seen her so... angry...

Wally mentally noted as he also wondered what happened to Izuku. M'gann found out and caused her to lash out while Dick seemed to be collected but... he could feel the hate coming off his best bud.

It wasn't long until the two young heroes found themselves inside Nezu's office, the eccentric principal having the two sit on some rather luxurious leather arm chairs.

Wally: It feels illegal to even sit on something this nice. I'm afraid to move and risk ruining it.

Wally whined internally as Izuku seemed to have the same thoughts, the speedster seeing Izuku ever so slightly levitating above the chair to minimize contact.

However, what happened next boggled Wally's mind. Despite not even moving, Nezu had gotten a kettle of hot tea in some fine china and taking a sip.

Wally/Izuku: Where did he get that/How did he do that!?

Nezu: Ah, that's better. Now, Izuku, first off I would like to know why you had not contacted us within the three years of your absence.

Izuku frowned and rubbed the back of his head.

Izuku: There wasn't a real way to contact you guys from where I was. Th-That and... I just wanted to forget... what happened.

Wally gave Izuku a worried look.

Nezu: *sigh* I understand... we all thought you were kidnapped or trafficked out of Japan. While not too far off from the truth, I assume as you were in the care of the Justice League, how exactly did that come to be?

Izuku: Well...

Author: FLASHBACK! *Holding up Poster* FLASHBACK!!!!!!!

Superman was soaring through the air, having just prevented a large commercial airline plane from crashing in Pacific Waters.

Superman: Superman to Watchtower, I'm returning shortly, just need to-

Superman stopped his movements, hearing the a faint call for help. Despite his super hearing, he almost missed it. He sped off towards the source, becoming a blur.

Superman: It was so weak... please make it in time.

Luckily, it didn't take long to find the one who called for help as he was the only one in the area. It was a small park, not many things to do but the badly beaten body was seen plain as day.

Dropping down beside the figure, Superman's heart wrenched as he saw the boy was just a child. With all the gentle handling and TLC he could muster, Super picked the boy up into his arms and began flying, albeit slower than earlier, towards the nearest Zeta Tubes.

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