Wake Up!

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Loki's POV

She hasn't woken for 5 days, but she is alive, and that is all that matters. Shuri has already operated on her arm and attached a metal one like Buckys. Apparently she had it pre-made since Miranda always talked about wanting a metal arm and Shuri was bored. I say it makes her look more dangerous... and more like her, surprisingly.

The infinity stones were sent away. Vision still has his. Soul was exchanged for Gamora. Power went back to the rebuilding Xander with the promise Thanos was destroyed. Reality went to the collector who is now in hiding. Time obviously went with Stephan Strange. And the space stone is attached to Miranda's metal hand. Everyone thought that was the best place since she carried it for so long. And she is more powerful then many.

The Avengers went back to there compound except Tony who had taken this hard, he seems close with Miranda. He is the only one that stayed back after the 3rd day. Rocket and his people went back to there space missions, guarding the galaxy. Thor went back to Asgard to deal with his princely duties.

Sometimes I wonder why I ever wanted to be King. I mean I know why, the power, Odins approval. But now that I think about it, it's a lot of work. I just want to lounge and read books or watch theater, not run a whole realm with the addition of protecting 8 more. Thor has grown and I think he will make a great King, with my advice. Obviously he needs some smarts in his decisions.

I haven't slept in a while, how did she crawl into my cold heart? Meredith was always surrounding it with her warmth, but Miranda. Miranda chiseled her way through and lit a fire, she thawed my heart. She brought me closer to my Brother. She made me part of a family I didn't think I would ever be with since our first meeting was me trying to kill them.

She improved my life, I can't have her leave me.
Beep! beep! beep! beep!
Miranda's monitors start flashing lights and alarms go off. Wakandas medical team rushes in.

"Loki you need to leave." One of the women pushes me out of the room and I stand outside watching the chaos. I use to invite chaos, now I beg it to stop. Shuri rushes into the room.

"What's happening?!" She asks as the door shuts again. Shuri runs to her side and checks her monitors and pulse. I can't stop the tears that pour out of my eyes. She can't leave me yet. All our time has been fighting off threats or trying to stop the threat of her leaving. We haven't lived yet.

"What the hell happened? She was fine!" Tony ran down the hallway. He stopped right in front of the glass and gasped. Shuri was rubbing metal paddles together and then placed them on Miranda's heart. "Shit." Tony muttered.

"I should have taken her to Asgard." Miranda body jerked up. Shuri yelled something. "We have better medical knowledge." Miranda's body jerked again. "She would be safer."

Shuri pulled back from Mirandas body and handed the metal paddles to one of the woman. Another woman removed the manual breathing tube and placed it on the table. Another turned off the monitors.

"No." I barbed into the room and ran over to Miranda. "No no no no no." I cupped her face. "Miranda wake up!." I sobbed. All the woman left the room except Shuri. "No.. No." I felt a hand on my back.

"Loki." Tony rubbed my back as I broke down.

"She loved you." Shuri said as I cried more. "She always talked about you when we spoke."

"She is probably back home watching us on her TV right now." Tony said as he walked to the other side of her bed. I chuckled. But I couldn't stop, my chuckles turned to laughs.

"I can't ever be happy can I?" I laugh. "My whole life has been one long joke." I stand up. "It's true, Villains can never be happy."

"You are not a villain." Tony snapped. "You are a good man Loki, sometimes bad but not a villain."

"Then why can't I have a happy ending? Every time I have something good it's taken from me." Tony looks down to Miranda and brushed her hair from her pale face.

"Don't loose hope. Miranda wouldn't want you too." He says. "I have to tell the team." Tony kisses Miranda's forehead and leaves.

"I'll leave you with her." Shuri rubs my shoulder and leaves. I sit back down and hold her hand in mine, close to my lips like an eternal kiss.

"Please come back. I can't live without you, not really." I kissed her hand. "Remember when we, or you, altered Starks suit to change his voice output to a five year old girl." I laughed. "Or when we put itch powder in Steve's running shoes." I fiddled with her fingers. "That was fun. We had the world in our protection and all you would do is play pranks and joke with me like it was nothing." I saw her chest rise. "Miranda?" I stood up and checked her pulse. "Thank the Norms." I ran out of the room.

I ran down the hall to Shuris lab. She was crying as she messed with her tools.

"She's breathing." Shuri snapped her head around. "Miranda, she's breathing." She ran passed me to the medical room. I ran to find Tony, he was at a bar. I ran up to him and took the glass out of his hands. "She breathing." He looked at me wide eyed and we both ran to Miranda's room.

When we got there the bed was in a sitting position and Miranda was slowly blinking with half opened eyes. Tony and I walked in the room and when she saw us she smiled. I kneeled right next to her.

"I thought I lost you Miranda." I held onto her hand with my fingers checking her pulse to be sure.

"Who's Miranda? Have you forgotten me Loki?" No, no. She laughed tiredly. "I'm kidding. You should have seen your face." She smiled. She turned to Tony. "I told you not to drink anymore. See a therapist or something." Tony laughed.

"How did you know?" Miranda slowly lifted her and and tapped her nose. Tony rolled his eyes.

"I also know the famous Stark and his need for alcohol and coffee." She giggled. "You know maybe instead of trying to forget with drinks you can focus on improving your tech." He holds up her metal arm. "I mean maybe you should get some lessons from a 16 year old girl." Tony crossed his arms.

"I don't need that attitude young lady." He smiled and wiped away the few tears that fell.

"Oh be quiet. Go have a kid named Morgan with Pepper or something." She laughed and Tony beamed.

"Is that what happens?" Miranda smiled and shrugged. "No more future events out of this mouth." She laughed and looked over to Loki. "I'm here." He grabbed his hands. "For good." Loki leaned forward and planted a kiss and they both melted into it.

"I still think this is weird." Tony said. "But I'll allow it. We just won a battle." Miranda and Loki chuckled into there kiss.

"Yes we did."

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