Make up

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"Loki?" I knocked on our bedroom door. "Please open the door." The door unlocked and he swung it open with no expression on his face.

"What do you want?"

"I want to talk to you. Plus I haven't slept all night." I sent him a sheepish smile. He moved allowing me to walk in. He closed the door and stood there while I sat on the bed. "Please talk. Yell or whatever but silence is not going to help us."

"I was angry that Odin put me in prison when I went with Thor to Asgard's. I yelled to my mom that she wasn't mine then help the beast that killed her out of the dungeon..... and you told me none of this." He deadpanned like he was telling himself.

"I know. I am sorry." I stood and walked to him. "But it wasn't your fault she died. It may seem like it but it wasn't. And I know for certain she knew you were lying when you said she wasn't your mother."

"You should have seen her face. She looked so broken." Loki looked to the ground.

"I hate you. And I sure as hell don't love you." I said. He looked up shocked.

"Lie." He breathed out and calmed his expression.

"But it hurt. Didn't it? She has raised you and she knows when you are lying. Your words hurt her but she knew you were lying."

"I suppose you are right... like always." I rested me hands on his waist.

"Not always. I was wrong not to tell you. To prepare you but I thought if I did you would try and stop it from happening. Frigga knew and she chose to die anyway. She could have stopped it." He grabbed me and pulled me closer. "I'm sorry."

"It's ok. Just... promise me you will tell me anything and everything that is to happen in my life."

"I pro-ack." Ringing sounded in my ear. I let go of Loki and stumbled back. "WANDA!" I clasped my ears with me hands. "WANDA!" Loki picked me up and ran out of the room. "WANDA!" I felt hands on my head and I knew it was her by the concrete feeling around my mind. I started to relax with the feeling knowing I was safe. The ringing died down so I could hear them talking.

"Two days ago. Why is this happening more often?" Loki frantically asks Wanda

"Her body is waking up and is searching for the right mind."

"Can't we do anything?"

"Not that I know of. And what Miranda has said I don't believe there is anything."

"I cant loose her. She's... I rather her then Meredith."

"But this isn't my life." I said. "I have stolen Meredith and it is only right I give it back at some point. Just not until I finish the job." I laugh. My vision gets better and I look up at Loki who was sitting against the wall with me in his lap. "I'm sorry but I have tried not to get to close to you. Didnt work through, you're just so damn irresistible and it's all your fault." I laugh.

"Well same goes for you which is why you can't leave." He said sternly.

"Loki. I have helped you have Thor and all of the Avengers if you want to keep that friendship. You don't need me. At least not until I kill Thanos and you are truly free." I smile.

"You think Thor and a group of super people can compare to you?" He raises an eyebrow. I roll my eyes.

"Loki you need to accept the fact that I will be leaving when I am done here. I wish I could stay I really do. But with Meredith waiting to come back and the constant threat of me slipping away isn't worth it. Wanda can't be near me 24/7." He looks away from my eyes.

"I know. It seems I always loose what I have and it isn't fair."

"It could be worse." I shrug. "Wanda you think I am good?"

"I believe so. Tell me if you feel yourself slipping away." The magic retracts from my mind and I feel fine.

"All good... thank you Wanda." She nods and stands up. I cuddle with Loki and his chest. "I refuse to get up." Loki laughs.

"We can't stay here." I look to him with a raised brow.

"And why is that? I helped design this building so I have a 15% hold on it. And I claim this spot as ours for the moment. And I say we stay."

"I would love to but my legs are falling asleep."

"Are you calling me fat?" I laugh. He was about to freak out and say no before I gave him a kiss. "That was a joke." I smiled into the kiss. He pulled away.

"Shall we continue this in our room?" He chuckled.

"What? Kissing or sitting on the floor cuddling?"

"How about cuddling and kissing in the bed?"

"Sure. But don't try anything. This isn't my body and I don't want Meredith coming back with a kid." I laugh. I stand up and help Loki up.

"My lady." He held out his hand. I place mine in his and we head to our room. We lay in the bed and I snuggle up in his chest with his arm around my waist.

"Loki?" He humms. "Can you change into your Jotun form?" He pulls away with furrowed brows.


"It's just in the movies they only show you once in Jotun form and I only seen you here once in it but only a little bit. I want to see it again. Unlike the immortals us Humans find it beautiful." He looks shocked.

"You do remember Frost giants burn with skin contact right?" He sadly chuckled. I nodded.

"I know. But I have this." I double tapped my bracelet and covered my body in my suit except for my head. "Now can you change. I'm safe now." I laugh and he smiled and nods. His body changes to a blue color and his eyes a crimson red.

"Does this really not scare you?"

"No. Should it?... Your eyes look like beautiful rubies. And your skin... well it's blue and blue is my second favorite color." He smiled.

"What's your first favorite?" I smiled mischievously

"Green." I chuckled. "But it might be a yellow. I haven't decided yet. They are both tied." Loki laughed. "Now stop asking questions and cuddle with me..... or I'll go find someone else." He pulled me closer to him and growled.

"You are mine. No one else can have you." I laughed.

"Do Frost giants have crazy protective personalities?"

"No. That just me." I look up at him.

"You do realize that you are frost Giant right?" I laugh. He rolled his eyes.

"Just be quiet before I turn back to Asgardian and kiss you to death." I smirked.

"What's wrong with that." Loki smiled and did exactly what he threatened.

"Lo-i." I tried to breath out his name. "Loki." He stopped. "As much as I love this ima bout to fall asleep. I was up all night and now it is." I looked at my clock. "11:43 in the morning. I need sleep." I laugh sleepily. My eyelids are getting heavy.

"Alright. I'll allow it. But you need to pay your debt later." He smiled. I kissed him once more then cuddled more into him. "Lord are you trying to burry yourself in me?" He laughed. "Goodnight my darling." I hummed while listening to his heart beat.

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