About Time

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           The next year and a half was mostly helping Tony with his suit. And when I mean help I mean learning how to fix, make, basically anything with the suit. My love for mechanics never died down while I was here. Since I was Tony's helper I kept telling him improvements like a healing spray (again), and whatever else he used in the movie just in case my meddling in the story caused him to miss something. I also helped with Peters and did the same thing making sure everything was there. Then I told Stark to save it for an out of world emergency, no pun intended.

           Loki and I stayed together. He forgave me for not telling him in exchange I tell him everything that will happen in his story. That lead to me telling him how Odin dies and releases Hela, there evil sister who was Odins right hand in world domination. Loki wasn't surprised and I also brought up that behind the circle painting on the ceiling of them is the one with Hela. He was sad when I brought up Ragnarok but I said as long as he has Thor and the Avenger he might have a chance to beat her and save Asgard. I left out the part where Thanos comes and kills him since that is not part of this story anymore.

          Steve was always quiet and hanging with Bucky since they are old pals and both out of there time. Nat was training Wanda and Pietro which made Vision follow because of Wanda I believe. Sam and Thor just hung around wherever and whenever. Except when Thor visited home and helped bring peace to a realm. Bruce was in his lab still thinking of the cure to his problem. I told him to leave it. Especially since we have a war coming and I don't need slow as fuck Hulce (Bruce & Hulk) getting in our way. Bruce as Hulk was the worst mistake ever!

         I went to the Ancient One again before she... you know. I actually went while Stephan was there and gave him a little support since he was having trouble with his mind telling him he can't. He warmed up to me a little. But he was still that broken egotistical man. Ancient One tried to give me the sling ring but I showed her I had the space stone so she just let that conversation slip. I kept visiting until I knew it was time to stop. I would say we were close, very close. I mean I did visit her like twice a week when I first came here. But I knew she was tired of not dying.

           I met with Shuri and T'Challa just to check up on everything. They are both fine and Shuri is still trying to improve things that she just improved. She always asks me over the phone if I have anything else I need. It went from improving my suit again to the whole team. Basically now everyone had a bulletproof suit with a special feature to match there skills.

        I met with Stephan when he was more into the whole Sorcerer Supreme thing. He seemed to get more ego and sarcastic like the movies. I warned him about Thanos since Bruce was supposed to crash in his stairs and tell him. I didn't tell him I'm from the future and all since when he gets to Titan he will see that he needs to give Thanos the stone with his 'there is only one out of 14 million outcomes' thing.

         I got with Fury and Phil. I usually text the Best Bros group chat or call but I thought it was time to meet up and tell them what was happening. I told Fury not to call Carol unless we needed her. I didn't want to pull her away from her 'save the other universes' ordeal. Plus this wasn't Endgame, this was Infinity War where I will just steal the stones and get rid of Thanos. Phil wanted to join but I said no. His team needs to focus on Earth problems not Outer Space problems.

Now that all leads to here, Visions stone warning him. I called T'Challa to tell him it's starting. Then I set up a meeting with the Avengers and here we are, all together.

"So here's the game plan." I said as the Avengers finally take there seat. "Thanoss children are coming to get the time stone from the a sorcerer. Tony is supposed to be the only one to help the sorcerer since technically everyone else here is either hiding or under house arrest." I shrug. "Tony didn't get there in time so he goes into the space ship to hide and try to help the wizard. Tony." He raises his eyebrows. "Peter sees the ship and come to help. He also sneaks on to the ship after you told him to stay away. Let him come, but make sure you deploy his new suit." He nods.

"What about the rest of us?" Steve asks.

"Everyone else will go to Wakanda, T'Challa already knows. I called him." They nod.

"What about you?" Loki asks while squeezing my hand. I smile.

"I have to send a group of people to try and get the reality stone. It's a major part of the story." They nod. "But then I will join you in Wakanda and signal for Heimdal to bring Tony and the others back to Earth to help fight." Tony nods.

"When will all of this start?" Nat asks.

"When you see a giant donut shaped ship flying in New York. That's Tony's cue to head down there." Tony nods. "Then you guys go to Wakanda, no rush though." I stand up. And run my hand through Loki's washed hair. He likes when I do this. "I need to go talk to my group now. I'll be back." Loki smiles at me.

"You better."

"Loki please stay away with Thanos. I am sure he hasn't over looked your failure to bring him the stone." Loki tenses and nods. "You all need to look out for each other. My whole goal is everyone of you to be alive after this."

"I think that is all of our goals." Tony chuckled. I smiled.

"Wanda... when I get back to Earth I'm going to need you to stay by my side in case Meredith decides to come back." I chuckle. "I can't leave before I see all of you safe."

"Of course Miranda. Conjoined sister for life." She smiled.

"Thank you.... ok meeting over. I need to head out." Loki stands up. "Don't miss me ok?"

"What if I come?" He asks.

"I'm going to see Gamora and I think your presence might not end well." I whisper. He nods in understanding.

"Please be careful. I can't loose the yet." He brushes my hair behind my ear and kisses my forehead. "Maybe not ever." He chuckles.

"Does anyone else still think this is weird." Tony asks.

"For as long as I've known them they have had a special connection that I am envious of." Thor says.

"Well I know her as Miranda the mechanic expert that lived with me. Not Meredith the Asgardian lover girl of Loki." Tony stands up. "It's just weird. I'm going to get ready." Tony walks out. The other Avengers say bye and leave as well.

"You know Meredith will come back after Thanos is taken care of right?" I ask Loki and he sighs. "We need to end this before it hurts you." I back away. "I know Meredith, her memories. She is not like me when it come to your Jotun heritage. She use to love you but her mind is narrowed when it comes to Frost giants. She doesn't see who you are and I don't want you to get hurt when she comes back." Loki steps towards me.

"I know. But I don't want this to end yet. We will say our final goodbyes after Thanos is gone." He kisses me and I lean into it. I can feel him smile into the kiss. "I am going to miss you." He says as he pulls back.

"I know. I will to but since you are in many movies I can just watch you." I chuckle. "That sounded creepy." Loki smiled.

"I am going to miss your personality." He gives me one final kiss. I back away giggling.

"I love you but you are trying to make me stay when I have work to do." Loki chuckles. "I'll be back. I just have to send a message." I held my gloves hand in a fist. "See you in Wakanda." I envisioned Star Lords ship and a portal sucked me in.

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