Ancient One

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Ive been in this library re-reading everything about the mind stone and some of the healing books for hours.

"How's the reading coming along?" The Ancient One comes back after disappearing. 

"It's ok. I'm not really sure what I can do to stop the mind control other than hit them in the head." I laugh. "The mind stone is controlling him through his emotions. Bring out all of his negative thoughts and rage and amplifying them. Even if I did break the control I don't know how he will act. It's all so confusing in my head."

"You know memory manipulation right?" I nod. "Well than once you break him out of the control bring his real positive memories forward." I can do that. But he most likely hates Meredith.

"Ancient One?" She hums. "Do you know who I am? Like... my real selfs story?" She smiles

"Yes. You are from the future and from another dimension. As for how you got here you have switched consciousness with another being from this dimension, Meredith." She knows

"And you know this because....?"

"I am Sorceress Supreme, Ancient One..... I have dealt with dimensions before..... I also knew you were coming I just didn't have a face to the name." She says proudly.

"Oh, Ok. So, Meredith, not me, treated Loki horribly so he probably will hate me. And I can't tell him I'm not Meredith so how can I help him if he probably wants to kill me?"

"Why can't you tell him?" Is she serious?

"Well because he won't believe me. Plus I'm kind of trying to keep the whole future different dimension thing on the low. I really don't want to mess up the timeline. I can't save people if I don't know what is going to happen."

"I see. Such a lonely life for such a noble cause." I smile. "How about the healing books?"

"Oh I took a at them more. I haven't really started reading yet." I look at my watch and it is close to dinner. "Um...."

"Yes you can come back." She and magics the books away.

"Thank you so much Ancient One. I'm glad I met you. You seem more... accepting then Strange. If I knocked with him I probably would have been pushed back, not in the door." I laugh.

"Yes well he doesn't know everything like I do. He will be skeptical." I smile. "I will wait for your return."

"Thank you so much." We teleported to the front door. "You know what would be so cool." She lifts a brow. I made the swirling motion of a sling ring and she smiles and I can hear a little chuckle.

"Just this once." She pulls out her sling ring and it connects to my room.

"How? Never mind. Of course you know where I sleep. Not creepy at all." She chuckled. "Thank you." I walks through.

"Kid. How long have you been here?" Tony walked into my room.

"Eh. Just a little bit."

"You've been out all day with Rogers?" He crosses his arms.

"No I went to the library also. I needed to do research." I stood from my desk of suit diagrams. "What's for dindin?"

"I was thinking pizza. Or Chinese." He always does take out unless Pepper is here.

"How about Thai?" Something newish is nice.

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