☆Chapter 6★Tears and Movies☆

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☆Saiki's POV☆

Today has been too stressful. School is right around the corner, parents are being too loud for comfort, Kuboyasu got in a freak accident, Kaidou has to study for the weekend, and Kusuke has been trying to kill me again. Way too stressful. My powers have been overused and it's weighing me down. The only thing that would make today worse is if people who I don't want to show up, show up.

But all I want to do right now is hide under my covers. Which is what I'm doing right now. I also just want to slip into little space. Just have my problems slip away for a good amount of time. Just be in eternal bliss. All just for a good amount of time.

I get up and get my little box. I grab out my paci and coffee jelly stuffie. I put on my favorite onsie and get back under the covers. I put my paci in my mouth and regress to the youngest state of mind I can.

I squeeze my stuffie and feel a wave of sadness crash over me. Tears come to my eyes and threaten to fall. I let them and sob, letting tears flow down my cheeks. Everything just is too much and I can't handle it, but I have to. Without Aren and Shun nonetheless.

Tears just keep coming down and I let out multiple quiet sobs. I squeeze my stuffie as tight as I can, wanting to feel at least some sort of comfort. I just want Aren and Shun...

Suddenly, I hear a knock on my door. I don't say anything and wait for them to go away.

'I wonder if he's okay? I came by to see if he was willing to hang out, but it seems like he isn't wanting to open up. What if he thinks that I'm one of his parents? No he can probably hear my thoughts right now...' I hear Touma think.

I send a telepathic message to him, telling him to come in. I then hear the door open and close. I get out from under the covers and rush to hug him.

"Hey buddy, are you okay?" He asks, wiping my tears away.

I shake my head no and bury my head in his chest. I had been using my transformation powers for the past hour so I am at least half my original size now.

"Awe, what's wrong?" He asks, petting my head, careful with the limiters.

I stumble on my words but eventually just whimper.

"It's okay, little one, you don't have to force yourself," Touma reassures. "How about we watch some movies?"

I nod and go over to my movie collection and pick one out. I pick out my favorite movie and hand it to Touma so he can set it up. I grab my blanket and sit down, wrapping it around me. Touma finished setting the movie up and it began playing. I share my blanket with him and lean on his shoulder.

He wraps his arm secerly around me and we watch the movie. I smile a small smile, enjoying the movie and his company. I kinda missed this...

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