Chapter 24

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Y/n's POV

Once again, I was starting to think that maybe we might not get out of this situation. The humans already surrounded us with their harpoons and nets.

"I saw them first! The reward is mine!" I heard Ercole's voice yell as he emerges from the crowd of humans with a harpoon. I just wanted to backhand slap him right here and right now, but I had to stop myself from doing so.

"We're not afraid of you!" Luca tells Ercole as he, Alberto, and I stood our ground, showing no fear.

"No, but we're afraid of you. Everyone is horrified and disgusted by you, because you are monsters," Ercole tells us.

"Stop! They are not monsters," Giulia then tells Ercole as she steps forward.

"Oh, yeah? Who are they, then?" Ercole then asks, waiting for an answer.

It was silent for a few seconds, until the sound of Signor Marcovaldo's voice broke the silence.

"I know who they are," He says, getting everyone's attention.

I look at him and see that he's walking towards us, still with a harpoon. I just hope that he sees us as human beings and not just sea monsters. I just look down and... hope.

"They are Luca, Y/n, and Alberto..." Signor Marcovaldo starts to say as he drops his harpoon. He then walks over to Alberto and hold his hand. "...and... they are the winners," He says as he raises Alberto's hand, also raising him up.

Luca, Alberto, and I then look at each other, looking so confused.

Wait, did we really win?

"What?" Luca questions.

"Really?" Alberto then questions.

"They can't be the winners. They are not even people!" Ercole states as Signor Marcovaldo puts Alberto down.

"Signora Marsigliese?" Signor Marcovaldo says as he looks at her, including everyone else and me.

She was standing by the finish line, and also looking at my bike.

"Technically, legally, yes, they won," Signor Marsigliese says.

That's true. My bike did cross the finish line. And I haven't even noticed it.

"We won?" I question.

"Who cares if they won? They are sea monsters," Ercole says.

The humans who were surrounding us with harpoons and nets didn't really look so sure about all of this. But once Signor Marcovaldo clears his throat and lifts one eyebrow at them, they finally gave in.

They walked away with their harpoons and nets, making me let out a sigh in relief.

"What? Come on!" Ercole says.

I go over to Ercole and take his harpoon from him. I pass it to Luca and Alberto, who then throw it to the ground, breaking it. Now it was my turn.

I lift up my hand and smack Ercole across the face. I look back at the others and see that their eyes were wide out of shock. I chuckle at their reactions.

Ercole then speaks up again.

"Ciccio! Guido! Another harpoon," Ercole tells them as they were just standing there behind him. He looks back at them and gets annoyed that they weren't doing anything. "Ah, idioti! Be useful for once in your pathetic lives," He then tells them.

I look at them curiously, wondering what they were doing.

"Guido," Ciccio says as he looks at Guido.

"Ciccio," Guido then says as he looks back at him.

They then walk to Ercole and throw him in the fountain. Ciccio then drops Ercole's wool sweater in the fountain. I know that it's not supposed to get wet, but sucks to be Ercole right now.

"It's over, the reign of terror. It's finally over!" Giulia tells us, making me smile.

I then heard two familiar voices in the distance.

"Luca! Y/n!"

I look to the side and see Aunt Daniela and Uncle Lorenzo running towards us in their sea monster forms. Everyone gasped at the sight of them, but I just ignored that as Luca and I run to them.

"You two had us worried half to death, and you must never do that again!" Aunt Daniela told us.

"I'm sorry," Luca says.

"Yeah, me too," I say.

"And you raced your little tail off and kicked so much human butt. And I'm so proud of you both, and I am so mad at you!" Aunt Daniela then tells us as she hugs us.

"I love you, Mom," Luca tells Aunt Daniela.

"I love you, too," I then tell her.

Uncle Lorenzo then joins in on the hug. I'm just so glad that everything is okay. But the sound of Signora Marsigliese's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Signore e signori, the winner's of this year's Portorosso Cup, the underdogs," Signora Marsigliese says as she hands me the trophy.

I look down at it in my hands, and then look at the others. I then smile at them as everyone around us cheers.

I then place down the trophy as Alberto comes to me and wraps his arms around me as I do the same to him, and then he lifts me up off the ground and spins around in happiness as we all laughed.

I just hope this happiness never ends.

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