Chapter 2

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Y/n's POV

I made it back to my garden, but I do one quick check to make sure that everything's in order. Once I've checked everything, I look up to the surface, and smirk.

I know I'm not allowed, but my aunt isn't here to tell me this.

I swim up towards the surface and peek my head out of the water, making sure that there's no humans around. Once he coast was clear, I dive back into the water and swim to my secret island that's near my garden.

Nobody really comes here because, well, there's a reason why I called it "secret."

I swim over to the shore and stand up once I was near the surface. Once I was completely out of the water and on the sand, my body changes and I look like a human.

I look at myself through the reflection and see that the sun was shining down on my (s/c) skin as my (h/l) (h/c) hair flows with the wind. I then look up at the tree that was on the little island. Well, it was the only tree on this little island.

I walk over to it and start to climb it. Yeah, in the beginning I had trouble walking and climbing, but as I got more used to it, I started to get the hang of it.

Once I made it to the highest branch, I sit down and look in the distance.

In the distance, I could see the human town that my aunt has told me about. I just wonder if it would be alright it I just visited the human town. Just once.

I remember an incident that happened not to long ago. I almost got caught by those humans.


It was dark at this hour and I snuck out of my house. My aunt, uncle, grandma, and cousin don't know I'm out. I just snuck out to explore what else there is on the surface.

As I was swimming towards the human town, I was starting to think that maybe this was a bad idea. I stop swimming and think to myself.

If I stop now, then I won't be able to know more stuff about the surface. And if I go, there could be a higher chance that I could get caught by my family.

With one last sigh, I look in the distance and start swimming. But something then stops me from swimming. I got caught by something. Like... a net from a boat.

Oh, no! This had to be done by humans!

I did not want to get caught now.

I then feel as if the net was getting reeled up towards the surface. This meant that the humans that were on the boat were pulling me up.

I started to freak out as I tried to untangle myself, swinging my tail to help free myself. But the closer I got to the surface, the faster my heart started to beat.

But it wasn't until I finally got free from the net and swam away as fast as I could. I swam deeper into the water so that I wouldn't get see, by those human. After and make it back to my garden, I take a few deep breathes as I look in the distance.

I do not want to have another experience of that again. I'll have to keep this a secret.

End of Flashback

I snap out of my thoughts after remembering that time. I look back at the distance and see a boat. It brings back so many memories.

I then decide that it was time for me to head back to my garden. With one final glance at the human town, I jump off of the tree and run back to the water. I then dive in, completely changing back into my sea monster form.

I look at myself and let out a sigh.

Why do I have to look like this?

I then swim back towards my garden, thinking of one last thing.

Am I the only one who goes up to the surface?


I was back at the house and it was already dark. I was laying in my bed, trying to get some sleep. But thinking about the surface prevents me from sleeping.

And just as I was about to actually fall asleep, I hear the sound of Luca's voice speak.

"Grandma, did you really go up to the--" Luca started to ask, but then got cut off by Grandma snoring loudly.

My eyes then open wide after hearing that.

Why does he want to know about that? Has he been thinking about going up to the surface? Does he know about my secret?

A lot of things crossed my mind. But I didn't get a chance to think that much of it when my eyes shut and I drifted off to sleep.

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