Chapter 23

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Y/n's POV

I was starting to lose hope because it didn't look like the rain was going to stop anytime soon. I didn't want to expose myself to everyone else around. I just wonder how Luca's doing with the rain.

But just as I was about to continue on thinking negative thoughts, I heard a familiar voice call out to me in the distance.


I look up and I could see someone carrying a huge blue umbrella in my direction. I couldn't tell who was carrying it though. But my answer was then answered when I saw who it was...

"Just stay right there!" Alberto told me while running to me. I smile at this.

"Alberto," I say, so happy to see him.

"I'm coming for you!" Alberto then tells me.

I can't believe it. He's coming for... me.

But just as I was thinking that things were going to get better, I see, in the corner of my eye, that Ercole stops his bike beside me. He's probably going to flirt with me or something.

Oh great. Here it comes. Bring it on.

"Don't worry, mia belleza. Once I win the race, I'll come back for you," Ercole tells me, making me lean away from him, feeling completely uncomfortable. And I could tell that Alberto was furious with him.

"Hey!" I hear him yell as I see him with glaring at Ercole.

Ercole then starts to ride his bike towards Alberto.

"For the last time, you don't belong here. Get out of my town!" Ercole tells Alberto, and then kicks him, making him drop the umbrella as he falls to the ground.

And once the rain fell on top of Alberto, his true form was revealed. I gasp at this, already knowing that it's too late to hide his sea monster form.

At first, Ercole had to process what he just saw, because he then yelps as he stops his bike.

"Sea monster! Right there!" Ercole yells as he gets off his bike and runs towards Alberto. Everyone else around looked so terrified at the sight of Alberto. "Ciccio! My harpoon! Veloce!"

"Alberto..." I say as I was about to ride my bike to him to help him, but he tells me not to.

"No, stop! Just stay there. You're still okay," Alberto reassures to me. He then looks at Ercole. "Andiamo!" He yells as he then runs towards him.

But what I saw next shocked me. Ercole grabbed a net that was nearby and threw it to Alberto, getting him all tangled up and making him fall to the ground.

"No!" I yell. Now he's done it.

Something in me just snaps. Now I'm glaring daggers at Ercole, almost as if I just want to strike him. So with this amount of courage, I put my foot on the peddle of my bike and hop on.

As I was now riding down the hill and towards Alberto, the rain falls on me, revealing my (1/f/c) and (2/f/c) sea monster form.

This catches everyone's attention, including Ercole's. I don't think he'll be flirting with me any longer.

As I was getting closer to Alberto, I reach my arm out to him as he does the same. And once I had a good grip on his hand, I pull him with me and onto the bike as we ride down the hill.

"Whoa! You really are crazy!" Alberto tells me as he sits behind me.

"Crazy for you!" I tell him.

"Huh?" He then questions, making me tense.

"Uh... I mean, crazy like you," I then correct myself as I feel myself blush.

But I can't focus on that. I have to focus on riding my bike and not crashing. We have to get to the water before Ercole gets to us before.

We passed by a few kids who were still riding their bikes down the hill. They looked horrified after seeing us, but I just ignored that and continued to ride the bike.

I only take this chance to look back and see Ercole riding towards us with his harpoon. I could also see that Giulia wasn't that far behind either. I think she was trying to help us.

I then look ahead because I didn't want to crash the bike. But I soon get startled when I hear Alberto yelps.

"Y/n!" He yells and then covers my eyes, making me turn in a different route. And when I say route, I mean inside someone's house, because we then ride out through the nearest window.

Once we were back on the road, I notice that Ercole was now in front of us.

"You should've left when I told you. Now, I gotta kill some sea monsters!" Ercole says as he then stands up on his bike with his harpoon, ready to strike down at us any moment.

But, in the corner of my eye, I could see Giulia riding her bike beside me and Alberto.

"So long, evil empire of injustice," I hear Giulia say before she crashes her own bike into Ercole's, making both of them fall.

I gasp at this as I continue to ride my bike.

"No!" I yell as I look back and see her on the ground, and in pain. I then look ahead and I saw the water, but I stopped the bike before we could fall over the edge.

Now that I stopped the bike, me and Alberto run back towards Giulia. Once I saw her, I already saw Luca there helping her up, who was also in his sea monster form.

Wait, how did he get here?

I'm not even going to answer my own question because Alberto and I were already there beside Giulia and Luca.

"Giulia, are you okay?" I ask her as we help her up.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm... I'm okay. Thanks, guys," Giulia tells us.

But once I looked ahead of us, I saw Signor Marcovaldo standing there with a harpoon. He then looks shocked at what he was seeing.

"Giulietta?" He questions.

"Papà. I..." Giulia starts to say, but couldn't find the words.

Signor Marcovaldo looked at us and looked as if he recognized us a bit. But now I focus on something else.

We were now surrounded by humans with harpoons. Now how were we going to get out of this situation?

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