Chapter 18

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Y/n's POV

Right now, Alberto was leading me and Luca somewhere. I don't know where though.

"Where are we going?" I ask Alberto.

"Come on. I got something to show you guy," Alberto answers.

It was silent after that, until Luca spoke up.

"Hey, you won't believe this. Those aren't fish," Luca tells Alberto as he points to the stars.

"What?" Alberto questions as we continue to walk.

"Yeah. Giulia explained it to us. They're fires that are even bigger, called stars," I then said as Luca looked in the book Giulia gave us.

"Uh, no, they're not," Alberto then says as he then goes in front of a building.

He then looks trough the window, making me an Luca to do the same, and inside I was able to see the Vespa we were planning on getting.

"Soon you'll be ours, sweet Vespa," Alberto said, and then held out a drawing he probably drew of us on a Vespa and with different items as well. "Take a look. I thought of every single thing we're gonna need. Also, I added flames."

"That's so cool! Oh! And we can bring a telescope, too!" Luca says as he takes Alberto's pencil and draws a telescope on the drawing, making me smile at the idea.

"Yeah! That shoots lightning!" Alberto then says as he then draws a lightning bolt in front of the telescope.

I then shake my head as I take the pencil from him and erase the lightning bolt.

"No. You look through it. Giulia says that there's an even bigger one at her school," I tell Alberto.

Luca then looked as if he had a brilliant idea.

"Wait. What if we visit her there?" Luca suggests.

Okay, that actually is a brilliant idea!

"Why would you wanna do that?" Alberto asks as he puts his drawing away in his pocket.

"I mean, it seems really interesting," I stated.

"The whole reason we're getting a Vespa is to live on our own. We don't need school. We don't need anybody," Alberto tells us as he steps away from the window.

"Couldn't we just try it? Just for a few days?" Luca then asks as he stands in front of Alberto while I just stay put and listen to their conversation.

"Luca, sea monsters can't go to school. What do you think is gonna happen when they see your fish face?" Alberto then tells Luca.

Luca looked kinda hurt by his words. I let out a quiet sigh as I look back through the window and at the Vespa.

I mean, could we at least try?

My thoughts then get interrupted by the sound of something hitting against the fountain that was near us. I look to the side and see a harpoon sticking on the side of the small fountain that was nearby.

"Hey, look who it is. And with no Giulia to hide behind," I heard an oh-so familiar voice say.

I look to where the voice was coming from and see Ercole walking towards us with his goons following him with harpoons.

Oh, no. This is bad.

"Come on. Let's go," Luca tells Alberto as he grabs his arm.

"No," Alberto tells Luca as he stands his ground. It didn't seem like Ercole noticed me yet, so I'm safe, for now. So I take this chance and go over to the harpoon that Ercole threw earlier.

"Something's fishy with you two. I mean, besides the smell. You're hiding something," Ercole tells Luca and Alberto.

"Is it that we're smarter than you? I mean, we're not really hiding that. It's just kind of obvious," Alberto tells Ercole.

"You know, people think I'm a nice guy. Always joking around. But really, I'm not," I then heard Ercole say as I next heard the sound of Alberto getting shoved against the wall.

I look and see that Guido and Ciccio now have Alberto pinned against the wall. I gasp at this and try to get the harpoon unstuck from the small fountain.

"You think that wasn't obvious?" I then whisper to myself, making sure nobody heard that as I continued to try and get the harpoon unstuck while listening to their conversation.

"Stop!" Luca tell Alberto as he tries to stop him.

"Wait your turn, piccoletto," Ercole tells Luca a he shoves him to the ground.

I get annoyed and angry by this. Nobody does that to my cousin but me. Putting that aside, I continue to listen to them.

"I want to make myself very clear. This is my town, number one..." Ercole tells Alberto as he punches him in his stomach, making him cough. My blood is boiling by now, and with this much anger, I pull on the harpoon very hard and it finally gets unstuck. Now I'm glaring daggers at Ercole. "...and number two, I don't want you in it," Ercole then finishes as I walk towards him with the harpoon in my grasp.

I then aim the harpoon at him, not being afraid to use it. Ercole finally notices me-- not that I wanted him to-- with the harpoon as I send him a death glare.

"You heard what Luca said. Stop," I tell Ercole with venom in my voice.

"Put that down, mia bellezza. You'll hurt yourself," Ercole tells me.

"Let him go!" I order him. And just like that, Alberto gets out of Guido's and Ciccio's grasp. He then walks behind me, where Luca slowly, yet nervously, picks up the book he brought with him.

"Go. Now. Before I change my mind," Ercole says, telling Luca and Alberto mostly. But I decided to join them because I didn't want to stay behind with this ugly catfish. I drop the harpoon and follow the boys as they run back to the treehouse as Ercole yells out to us. "Nobody want you here, idioti! Keep running! And soon mia bellezza will be mine!"

I shudder at the sudden thought. But I just ignore that as we make it back.

"Why did you make him mad? We should've left," Luca asks Alberto as we all panted.

"No, no, no. We're fine. I had it under control. All you gotta do is follow my lead, remember?" Alberto then says as we enter through the gate door.

But what if whatever you do gets me in trouble?

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