Chapter 4 ; Where is the spark?

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Our lips rose and fell endlessly, fitting perfectly with one another's. The kissing never ceased, we kept at it, nothing mattered except us two. I kept pushing myself closer to him, my heart yearning for that spark you feel when you finally fill your desires, you know, the flip-flopping fireworks in your stomach that all the movies tell you about? The strange part was, I never felt it. Not one single explosion of anything other than the sudden guilt that picked at me, knowing my boyfriend was sleeping next door. I pulled away for a moment, but his arms found their way around my waist as he mumbled, "You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this Kathy." as he kissed me on my neck. The way he said my name sent me insane, as I ran my fingers through his hair, bringing his face closer to mine. The guilt vanished and we spent the rest of the night kissing until we fell asleep.

   When morning came, I found myself in the guest bedroom, snug under the covers. I awoke to with a smile on my face, which was quickly replaced by utter confusion. Did I really kiss Darius last night? I went into his room last night, why am I here? Is he here? I rolled over, seeing the spot next to me on the bed was empty. A was all a dream. I found my eyes becoming bleary with tears as I sank into my pillow. I had wanted it so bad, why was it taken away from me? So many things have already been taken away from me. A sudden rap on the door jerked me to reality as I lied still, faking slumber. I opened my eyes just wide enough to see Thomas' face outlined with his curly blond locks pop out from behind the door. He smiled at me, falling for my trick as he quietly shut the door. I exhaled with relief, until I heard Darius' voice. "Hey Tommy boy," he said sleepily, "make some breakfast would you?" When I heard footsteps descend the stairs, my breathing quickened and my body became rigid and tense. The door creaked open as I looked up from under my cozy covers to see Darius tip-toeing towards me, silently shutting the door behind him. My pulse sped uncontrollably as I realized he was wearing the same PJ's he was wearing in my dream last night. I was basically shaking by the time he reached my bed, standing above me. He chuckled softly, "I knew you weren’t sleeping.” I don’t know if I didn’t say anything by choice, or I just couldn’t. “You look like a marsh-mellow." I scowled. "Gee, thanks." I replied grumpily, pushing the covers off of me. "A beautiful marsh-mellow." He added, brushing hair from my face as he sat next to me in the bed. My heart stopped. My mind was spinning, trying to comprehend what he had just said. "Wh-wha?" I managed to squeak that much out. He laughed, knowing he had me in the palm of his hand effortlessly. "That surprises you?" he asked in a teasing tone. "Well then how about this?" With that, he pulled me in her arms and kissed me with such passion, I could almost feel the faintest spark. When he drew away, he looked me dead in the eye with those beautiful brown eyes. It made me melt inside. "Kind of like last last night...refresh your memory?" He added with a grin. My eyebrows shot up. Oh my God. It hadn't been a dream! I smiled from ear to ear, climbing on top of him and hugging him out of joy. He laughed breezily, whispering, “You take my breath away, literally." We both laughed as I loosened my grip on his ribcage. He kissed me on the forehead, grabbing my hand and leading me downstairs. On the last steps, he squeezed my hand and then gently let go of it. "Good morning Kit-Kat." Mr. Mason said peeking over the top of his spectacles he used to read the paper. When he saw Darius and I descend the stairs, he smiled faintly. But when Thomas rushed over, lifting me in the air and kissing my lips softly. "Good morning my beautiful sleepy girl." He whispered with a smile. My eyes shot to Darius, whose face didn't change a bit, then to Mr. Mason, who's eyes and expression darkened as he pretended not to see anything. My heart sank. I felt like I had disappointed my father as I pushed away from Thomas with a feeble smile and took a seat at the table. The only way I could be with the one I loved, was to hide it from Thomas and Mr. Mason.

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