Chapter 21

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The last time I saw Adrien Lane, was back in 10th grade when he came in his new Mercedes Benz to pick up Corey after school. He was already in college back then and since he used to be popular back in high school, the whole female population in school except me of course, has a crush on him. I never really knew Adrien, I saw him a few times around town with his friends just hanging out like the popular crowd they are and that's about it. But he wasn't popular because he was a football or basketball player, he was actually popular because he's really smart. With anything that relates to biology. He's not nerdy or anything, he's kinda like the laid back type that knows they're good looking and smart at the same time. I heard Corey once said to one of our teachers that Adrien is kinda into becoming a botanist but his dad has big dreams for him to take over their family business.

So yeah, that about sums up everything I knew about him

Now, standing in front of him and asking for his help, I can only cross my fingers behind my back and hope to god that he will agree to help me.

He leaned to the side of the doorway and frowned at me after taking a long glance around and behind me, probably making sure that I wasn't followed.

"With what?" He finally asked after a long minute of silence and staring.

"Can I at least come inside so I can explain?" His expression hardens towards me.

"Look, I'm in the middle of something. I don't know why you of all people showed up at my house tonight, so please while I'm asking you nicely, go home."

He starts to close the door but I quickly pushed it back and he scowled at me.

"Please, you have to let me explain. I really need your help Adrien, you're the only person I know that can help me find answers." I pleaded.

"Answers for what?!" He yelled back to my face.

"Answers to what is happening to us after we got out from that place." His face turned blank and he looked back at me without saying anything.

Alright, now I got him. Time to use the special card.

"I know, you know what I'm talking about. What happened to your friends, Martha and Macy? The girls that also survived from that forest? Is also happening to us now. We don't know how to stop it but I know you're the only one who can find a way for us to stop this. Please? I'm also trying to do this for Corey you know. And for the friends that parker and I both lost in that place. So if you want to stop this from hurting more people like you should've done a long time ago, now's your chance."

Two minutes had passed till he finally opened the door and fold his arms across his chest.

"How are you so sure that I'll be able to help?" I slowly pulled out my phone from my back pocket and clicked on the picture of him and Macy together at the beach.

His eyes locked onto the picture for a minute before he looks back at me, with a whole lot of emotions reflected in his eyes which I'm pretty sure that this is the only time he's ever let anyone see what he's truly feeling inside.

"Because I know you'll do it for her as well."


I sat down on the couch and glanced at the picture frames set up on a small table next to their big flat screen TV. Corey was smiling in every picture with his arm around Adrien. Anyone can tell that they were really close brothers ever since the day they were born. I had never lost someone I love the way Adrien lost his younger brother, but I can imagine it's gonna be a lot harder for them to move on. Adrien stopped by the foot of the staircase and looked back at me.

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