Chapter 1

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"You have your sweater right? And your purple beanie?" My mom asked while folding my clothes neatly and putting them inside my suitcase.

I was sitting on my bed with my phone on my lap so I can keep checking the time. Our school bus leaves at 9am on the dot, taking the senior students from all biology classes for a field trip to a native forest. This is actually part of our biology class project, but majority of the senior students voted against this field trip saying it was a waste of time, but when our principal decided to be the jerk he really is, he made us and our parents sign all the consent forms for this field trip if we wanna graduate high school.

"Alright! You're all done here. How many days will you all be there?" Mom asked me while I jumped out of the bed and zipped my suitcase, close.

"Three days mom, we'll be doing a lot of research for this. I think we'll be spending a lot of time in the forest." I dragged my suitcase off the bed and let it stand near my bedside.

"Has your teacher told you which motel you're all gonna be staying at?" I shook my head at her in the mirror while putting my hair up in a ponytail.

"No, he hasn't. But I think we'll be staying at some place near the forest where our research takes place."

"Okay just make sure you'll be safe and stay close with the rest when you're out there. It's a native forest after all, you'll never know what's out there."

I turned around to face her and smiled. She's always been like this, worrying about me constantly. I guess it's normal for single mothers to feel that way for their one and only daughter whose about to leave home and be away for a while for a school field trip. Ever since my dad left years ago, it's only been the two of us. For some people, there might be a time where they'll start missing their dads and involving themselves in tough situations just to have that moment on what's it like to have a father.

For me, I don't really need a dad. I have my mom by my side and that's enough for me. So of course, it's also going to be hard for me to get used to this. To stay away from mom for three days straight. I quickly hugged her and tightly wrapped my arms around her, wishing that the feel of her hug will always remain with me even when I'm away.

Shit, if this is what it feels like to just leave my mom and not see her for three days, imagine me leaving for college. Now, that's something I have to start preparing myself for.

"Be careful out there Diana. Okay?" I nodded and held her at arms length while she place kisses all over my face.

"Mom! Stop, we have to go or I'll miss the bus." I whined. She finally released me and pushed my suitcase towards me.

"Okay off you go then. Just remember to have fun alright?" I rolled my eyes.

"It's a field trip mom, what is fun in that when all you'll be doing is working on a project?" I walked out of my room while she follows from behind me.

"Just enjoy yourself, okay? Now let's go, you have to get on that bus and I have to go to work, my shifts starts in an hour."

We left our house, got into our old Toyota and left in a quick span of time, hoping we're both not late.


"Hey mom! I'm leaving. See you in three days." No reply. Well what was I expecting anyway?

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