Chapter 16

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At times like this, I wished so badly that everything could be normal again. If we weren't lost in the first place I would be at home right now and since its Sunday now which is almost have been a week we've been here, I would be getting ready for a normal Sunday lunch with my mom. Just staring at parker's sleeping face, makes me wonder would we ever be this close if everything were normal before? Would we even be friends in school or would we still be strangers to each other just like how we used to be?

But the real question is, will we be this way even if we find a way out and went our different ways?

A lot of complicated thoughts like these have been swarming around my head ever since it's just been the two of us, but when he held me that way last night, every single thoughts disappeared immediately. I can't seem to think straight whenever he's around me, but he's also starting to become a drug pill that I needed daily to clear out my head. I wanted to tell him how I feel but I have decided that now is not the time. I could maybe tell him later when we get out of this place and get our lives back to normal.

My body stiffened when he suddenly stirs up awake, his arm was under my head so I made no movement in case he felt it and wake up. His eyes slowly fluttered open and his dark brown eyes stared right back at me when he's fully awake. The sunlight streaming in through the windows made his brown eyes look brighter and I can't seem to pull my eyes away from them. He loudly clears his throat and moved his arm away from me and I quickly sat up and ran my fingers through my tangled messy hair. He also sat up straight and looks to the side at me.

"Feeling better?" I quickly looked back at him and nod my head with a small smile.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you for helping me." He suddenly taps me on the shoulder, twice, before standing up and smiling down at me.

"Great, now that you're feeling better I think it's time for us to move on. We can't stay here for long anyway."

I nodded before standing up and putting my jacket back on.

"You're right. Let's get the fuck out of here."


We didn't take most of the stuffs, just the matches and a candle, the small knife and two sheets in case we get cold at night. We were walking for about an hour till my stomach had to do something embarrassing to me that made me stop walking immediately. It growled so loudly for about a minute long and all I can do to try and stop it is by wrapping an arm around my waist and avoid looking at parker who was already staring back at me, and I can tell that he was trying not to laugh.

"Hungry?" He asked me after my stomach finally stops growling, his tone a bit playful.

"Don't worry about it, let's just keep moving." I barely took two steps, when my vision starts to blur and parker rushed to my side and helped me sit down on the ground.

"Relax okay? Take a deep breath and exhale slowly alright? You're just getting dizzy from being hungry and exhausted as well."

 I did what he said and closed my eyes for a minute to try and stop from feeling like throwing up. When I finally felt like I'm okay again, I looked back at him and he smiled at me before standing up.

"Just stay here okay? I'll be right back." I watched him ran off into the forest till he suddenly disappears.

I wanted to ask him what he was up to and even tried to call out to him to stop him from leaving, but my head starts to hurt and everything I see are starting to sway. I closed my eyes for a few minutes to rest and when I opened them again, he was still not here. I started to panic, what if he's hurt out there and won't call out for help? What if some other wild animal attacked him?

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