Chapter 19

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I was only half listening to coach, as he continued to lecture us about another one of our big games this Friday. I couldn't stop thinking about the nightmare I had last night, it wasn't the first time but this has actually been happening to me ever since we got back home. All I kept seeing in the nightmare are those damn trees, looming over me and the silence was kinda unsettling, but worst of all is that every after ten minutes of looking around, the memory of that coyote's face that I had killed back in the forest will surprise me by appearing out of nowhere and attacking me. It's always the same thing happening at one place and at the exact same time. I always tried to change what would happen by trying to do other things but I had no control over my body and I always lost my voice every time I tried to scream or even mutter a word.

It's stressing me out, I can't concentrate in class and even focus here during training. Sort of like what I'm doing right now. A low sigh escapes my lips and I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

Fuck, I just want this to be over already

"Jennings!" My head snaps up when coach suddenly calls me out. Everyone else was already staring at me.

"Yes, coach?" He motioned with his hand for everyone to leave, and the boys left the bleachers and walked down to the field.

He points at me to stand up and walk over to him, and I did.

"What's going on with you boy?" I shook my head.

"Nothing, coach. I'm fine." He narrows his eyes at me.

"Don't lie to me kid, I've been watching you the day you got back to school and started training with us again. I can tell something is up, you've been zoning out during most of the time and not focusing during practice and to top it all off, you failed the surprise test last week in my class."

Great, now someone else has been paying attention to me, which is the last thing I want right now.

"I'm sorry coach, It's just that, I just got back to school and a lot has been happening in my life lately-" He suddenly interrupts me by placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah yeah, I know you're going through a lot nowadays. Look, all I need from you is to just forget everything else and focus on doing what you always do best, you're the captain of this team and the boys are always looking up to you to always makes us proud and win every game. You can also treat this time during training for you to release your mind and from all the stress you've had for the day, and feel better and worry later. Look son, this game is a big one for you. Those scouts that came for you during the time you were M.I.A, had given me a heads up that they will be here Friday game, just for you. So you need to get your head in the game now son, if you want to do something better for yourself now is the time. Got it?"

He's right, I have to start focusing and just forget everything else. This is my first step of getting my life back together now. No look back.

"Yes coach." He taps me on the shoulder.

"Good, now get out there!"

I jogged down the field and called out to our team's quarterback, Rome, to throw me the ball. We started training and continued for two hours straight till coach yelled for us to take a break. I jogged back to the bleachers and grabbed one of the water bottles sitting on the ground and took a few sips. Something tastes strange after I finished drinking it and I pulled the water bottle away and stared at it.

"What's up with the water?" I asked Rome.

"Pipes busted, water boy had to fill those out from the tank at the back of the school." I quickly put the bottle away.

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