what would it be

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would it be calm waves or a crashing tsunami?

would this flourish into a rose garden or grow full of unwanted weeds?

would the robins sing today or have they already flown away?

would the drizzle ever cease or intensify into a stormy beast?

would i thrive in this new environment or end up as the greatest disappointment?

would i show my personality and grow or play it safe and just lie low?

would they like my sense of humor or start spreading cruel rumors?

would i be accepted for who i am or made a laughing stock on instagram?

would i continue to forge ahead or be brought down by what they said?

would my work be seen one day as good enough or thrown away?

would their hurtful words still plague me after weeks and months of misery?

would i be ever recognized for who i am or stay lost in shadows of a thousand men?

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