childlike innocence

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Childlike innocence is to believe

that tooth fairies were real and money grew from trees,

instead of the harsh reality

that your parents toiled away and broke their backs

for a brief moment of pleasure that you promptly forgot anyway.

Childlike innocence is to believe

that everyone loved you just as much as mom and dad did

instead of the crushing truth

that out of ten people

two adored you, five were lukewarm, and three wanted you dead.

Childlike innocence is to believe 

that hugs and kisses were the supreme currency

that could get you sparkly bags and sweet chocolates no matter what

instead of the harsh reality

that money mattered more than affection

and marriage became an economic proposition.

Childlike innocence is to believe

that you could truly do whatever your heart longed for

instead of the crushing truth

that it came with the stipulation

that you take into account

what you're actually talented at,

what the world needs,

what pays well,

but once you've thought of all that,

you'd be paying the hefty price,

of saying goodbye

to your childlike innocence.

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