Chapter 51

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I slam the door shut and drag a semi-conscious Annoneth over to my cot. I then pour water into a basin, grab a few herbs and rags, and find a needle. I am no healer, but I will have to do my best.

I mix several herbs into the water and force it down Annoneth's throat. It should help with the pain and staunch the flow of blood. Then I grab the small knife and make a small incision across the two wounds. I had to make sure there were no arrow heads still in her body. It is good that I checked because there were two sleek tips still lodged in her rib cage. I managed to pry them out and clean each wound. Then I mixed different herbs to speed the healing process and poured it into each cut.

Annoneth groaned in pain with my every move, but now she is breathing normally, sound asleep. I don't want to eke her despite her warning. Umon can not get in here without my permission or password.

I decide to return to the forge and quickly finish casting the blades. Something tells me we will need them soon.


Three hours later, I finish with the castings and start sanding Thranduil's swords. The enchantments will have to wait until I have time to prepare myself for such an undertaking, not in the midst of a fight.

When I walk back into the room, Annoneth is struggling to stand. I gently push her back down.

"You are not ready to do anything. I am no healer, but your wounds were obviously inflicted close-range and you are very lucky the arrows did not puncture a lung. I recommend that you try to relax, you look more anxious than a wild horse on a rope."

"Did you not hear my warning?! I told you to flee, they-"

"Are coming. Yes, I heard you. I assume 'they' are Umon and his gang of mercenaries. He never did like fighting me directly. They will never find us here. They have never been close since I left, and they will never get close."

"You don't understand, the have Legolas and Thranduil!" she cries.

I stop mid-step. "How?"

"Umon has an insider: a guard. He was in charge of the night shift on the day of Rivornor's execution. He kidnapped Legolas when most everyone was outside at the execution.
Then when they attacked and freed Rivornor, Thranduil and I chased after the archer. We were lead to a clearing and surrounded. Then a man stepped out, followed by Umon, then they gave the king a choice: his heart or his son."

I stagger against the wall. How could I have been so stupid as to lead Umon to the Woodland Realm? No, it isn't me he wants. There is so much more to this plot than I can dream, but it all starts with me, of that much I am certain. I need to get to Thranduil, a soon as possible.

"Where are they holding them?"

"In the palace dungeons. Rivornor managed to persuade the people that Thranduil and Legolas were dead, and that he should become the new King. They had no reason to believe him, but they did and now he sits on the throne that belongs to Thranduil. There are always twenty guards placed around each of their cells, never any less. Thranduil sits, bound and beaten, far below the clean cells, where the worst of our guests stay. Legolas is only a bit luckier, he is kept on the mid levels and is not beaten hourly."

I pick up my blades. The heat sears through them immediately. Annoneth gasps at the smoke that wafts toward the ceiling. I am beyond tears at this point, I need to act.

"Stay here," I grumble, grabbing my shadow cloak. I strap the new scabbards around my hips. Thranduil will need a weapon. What better than the one I made?

"You can forget me acting helpless," Annoneth growls, standing from the cot. She leans heavily on the wall, but tries to hide her pain. I can admire her bravery, but I will not stand for stupidity.

"I do not think you are helpless. I think that you are seriously injured. You should not continue to risk your life when there is no reason."

"The life of my lord and friend is the only reason I am here. If I didn't care, I would have stayed in the cavern and tried to rescue them myself. I know I need your help, and I know that you need my help."

I sigh. I have one crazy idea.

"Wait here. I'm going to sneak in and take some of that clear medicine from Tarawen."

"That will do no good. I am fine. I can walk and fight if I need to. You will not be able to sneak in alone."

"I do not want the responsibility of your life-"

"Then do not take it! It is my own burden and I will see my goal accomplished or die trying." I look at her. She stares right back, gaze unyielding.

"Fine. Here is the plan."

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