Chapter 46

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Thranduil's face turns bright red. I laugh behind my hand at his reaction. It is encouraging to know that an elf so confident in himself can still be embarrassed. Thranduil sets Legolas on the floor with a weak smile and walks out of the room. Legolas smiles at me, he is very proud of stumping his father. I laugh back and wave goodbye.

"See you tonight, Legolas," I say.

"See you later, nana," he giggles. Then I step out and gently close the door behind me. Thranduil is nowhere to be seen; I did not expect anything else. Thranduil tends to run from personal issues, then drown himself in work.

I sigh and start toward my room. Annoneth is leaning on the door, head bowed. I hear faint snoring sounds as I approach her.

"May I help you, Captain?" I ask. Her head snaps up and she steps away from the wall. After a moment of gathering herself, she finally nods and gestures to my door.

"Could we... discuss it inside?"

"Of course," I say, turning the handle. We step inside and Annoneth closes the door behind her. "Do you mind if I change first?" She nods and faces away. I slip into a light green dress and chestnut brown boots. Annoneth faces me with a concerned look in her eyes.

"Thranduil tells me you want to interrogate Rivornor with me. Do you think this is the best plan?"

"I do. Rivornor will never speak to someone that threatens him. He does not perceive me as a threat, therefore I am the perfect candidate to ask him questions.
Thranduil requested your assistance, but I think that if you start talking, he will shut down. You are a very intimidating elf, even when you try not to be." She nods, then twists her long hair absentmindedly. I pull my own hair into a simple braid that encompasses half of my hair.

"I just hope you know what you are doing."

"I do. And I will have blades up my sleeves. If he tries anything, he can learn to live with a fewer appendages."


Three hours later, Annoneth is leaning against the wall of a small room with a barred door and I am kneeling beside Rivornor. His hands are bound in front of him, but his legs are free. He has avoided all of my questions and Annoneth is starting to act impatient.

"Answer the questions, filth! Rhovanel may be sympathetic, but I will not hesitate to string you from the tallest tree I can find!" she shouts. Rivornor smirks and makes a puckered fave at her. Annoneth unsheathes her knife and lunges at him. I stand up and block her path. Then I give her the signal, a double blink, and she nods and walks out of the room. After the door slams behind her, I face Rivornor again.

"Thank Eru she is gone. I thought she would kill you if she stayed a moment longer," I half sob. It irks me to act so pathetic, but Rivornor desires power, so I shall give him power.

"You did so much to help Greenwood, why would you ally with orcs? All they do is destroy," I whine.

"I wanted them to destroy. To make Thranduil seem weak and powerless. He is not fit to be king."

"Of course he isn't! All he does is complain and act like a child. Of course you should be king, you are perfect," I say. The words taste bitter as they leave my tongue, but I need answers.

"I know! Thranduil will do anything for those that he favors. That is why I had to have you taken. He needed to leave while I spread rumors and turn his loyal followers." All the sanity and reason is gone from his voice. "Then I made sure that Thranduil couldn't make an argument. I knew he would eventually return from our home. So I gathered everyone in the great hall and made my claims against him. The guard was the first to support me. Then the coward walked in and I had my chance to kill him. I only wish that I would have slit his throat."

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