Chapter 40

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Thranduil asked me to follow him to the Woodland Realm with five of my best men, so I asked ten. The eleven of us, not including the remainder of Thranduil's company, left Lothlórien at first light, about an hour after Thranduil.

We pushed the horses to s gallop for most of the journey; we needed to rest about three kilometers from the gates. As the horses drank from the stream, I sat down with Legolas.

"How are your archery lessons, Legolas?" I ask.

"They are excellent! I can hit the middle every time!" he brags, puffing out his chest.

"Oh, really? Show me," I challenge. He picks up his small bow and says, "thirty meters away, small hole in the tree," and the arrow flies. It smacks into the tree exactly where Legolas said it would, but I don't have time to congratulate him. My men all draw swords and the other three grab bows and stand around the prince and his friend.

The orc Legolas shot falls from the tree, arrow through its eye. There are too many to count, and my best estimate is too high to describe. They surround us quickly, but I refuse to be taken as prisoner. I start wading into the mass of muddy flesh, swinging my sword in huge arcs. Bodies fall all around me as my men flank to the left and right. Thranduil's people are shooting orcs that spring from trees, most right in front of me.

The company keeps fighting for an hour, and the orc numbers are slowly dwindling. They do not advance with the same enthusiasm as they did an hour ago, in fact, most turn and run. I would chase them, but I feel more inclined to aid Thranduil with his traitor than chase a few orcs through the trees.

We all jumped back on our horses and made Thule the wind for the Woodland Realm. I thought about the scene I would find there: a king cheerfully atop his throne with a traitor dead at his feet, vice versa, a fight between the two, the possibilities were endless. When we came upon the great gates, there are broken chains along the ground and the doors hang open slightly. I examine them quickly and assume Thranduil cut them very recently.

He had told me of Rivornor and his treachery, but I had not thought the people of this realm could be so easily turned. I ran to the great hall, with help from two of Thranduil's people, and opened the door to chaos. I was thankful I had sent the other guard with the prince and his friend.

There were elves brawling on the floor, women crying, and guards standing around in a circle. I rushed toward the circle of guards, assuming that Thranduil would be there. As I neared them, they locked shields. I stopped and demanded entry. They just stood, stone-faced and still, while I tried to push past them. I resorted to looking between their legs to find out what was going on.

I saw Thranduil on the ground, gasping for air. There was a large dagger protruding from the left side of his chest, just under his arm. A pool of blood was forming under Thranduil. An elf with black hair was keeling over him, grinning like a murderer.

I called over two of my soldiers, and together we broke through the protective line. Their hearts did not seem to be engaged in protecting anyone, not the king or his people. They acted like guards that had just been assigned to guard the royal pet. Not one stayed after the line was broken; they all dispersed among the chaos.

I kicked the black haired elf away from Thranduil and watched the bronze circlet he had been wearing roll away. He clutched at his broken nose and rolled on the floor, screaming in agony. I motioned for my soldiers to seize him and lock him in a cell if they could find one. Then I knelt next to Thranduil and clutched his hand.

"What took you so long?" He mocked, chuckling. When he grimaced in agony, he stopped laughing.

"We were right behind you, mellon, how did all this happen?" I ask, sweeping my arm around the room.

"Rivornor," Thranduil coughs and blood sprays across his chest. He moves to get up, but I force him back down. I remove the blade and tear a large part of my cloak off and press it against the wound. Thranduil winces at the pressure, and I can feel him fading away as the blood seeps into my cloak. Blood covers his face from laying in the thick life water.

"Who is your healer?" I scream to be heard over the screaming.

"Tarawen," he whispers.

"Tarawen!" I scream several time before an elf with dark curly hair comes running over to the platform. She takes the cloth from me and points to the doors. I nod and pick Thranduil up.

Grunting, we make our way through the hordes of brawling elves and escape into the empty halls.


Quick note on the timeline:

Thranduil and Annoneth left around 5am and Haldir left around 6am

Thranduil arrived in Greenwood around 1pm and Haldir arrived around 1:15 because Thranduil did not sprint through the forest.

Time is different where Rhovanel was taken, so it is approximately 2pm when Annoneth and Fornor find her and start heading back to Greenwood.

Thanks for reading!

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