Chapter 2

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I opened my eyes to the sound of running water. I glanced around and recognized the curtains. I was in my own room. I began to sit up, but felt the pain in my thigh return, though much less agonizing than I remember. I shoved my self up anyway, ignoring the pain. I had to see Legolas, to make sure he was safe. Annoneth told me he was fine, but I had to make sure. I drew a robe around my shoulders and limped for the door.

I pushed the double doors open with a heave and saw the guards that had obviously been standing there a while jump. Annoneth must have posted them here. I dismissed them, the need for a watch passed.

Thankfully, Legolas's room was not far from mine. Even though I felt fine at my door, I began to feel sick halfway to Legolas's door. I had to lean on the railings to gather myself and catch my breath before entering the room. When I knocked, I had expected Legolas to open the door, but was instead greeted by Annoneth. Legolas scurried past her skirt and climbed up my good leg before I knew it and was hugging my neck as if I'd been gone for years. I hugged him back, burying my nose in his pale blond hair.

"I missed you, Ada," Legolas whispered.

"I missed you too, iôn- nîn," I whispered back. I must have been asleep for a long time. "How long have I been asleep?" I asked Annoneth.

"Two days," she answered. "Legolas has been crying all night, so I came and sat with him until he fell asleep. I was exhausted at that point and must have fallen asleep in the chair myself," she said quietly. I nodded thankfully to her and put my hand over Legolas's head, hugging him tighter. I felt little teardrops on my bare shoulder, and pulled away. Legolas looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Ada," he started to say, but I hugged him tightly again and carried him back to bed. Judging by the dark circles under Annoneth's eyes, she's been up with him for hours. I laid Legolas down and pulled his sheets up to his chest and held his hand for a moment. "Everything is better now, go to sleep. We will talk more tomorrow. Good night, iôn- nîn."

"Good night, Ada," Legolas said as he squeezed my hand and drifted into peaceful sleep. I limped out quietly, Annoneth holding the heavy door for me. My leg gave out once outside, but Annoneth caught my shoulders before I could hit the stone floor.

"Are you sure you are alright, heru en amin?"

"I am fine!" I clutched at my leg, "but I do need to take my leave now." I did my best to not look like I was limping as I headed back to my room.

Once there, I closed the door and slid down to the floor. I put my head in my hands and stayed that way for a long while. I can not continue like this. I called a servant in to run a message to Tarawen.

Later, she came with a small vial of clear liquid. I sat in my favorite chair, waiting for her. When the door opened, I nodded to her and bared my leg for her.

"My lord, are you certain you want me to do this?" she asked, holding the vial in her hand.

"Will it make the limp stop?"

"Yes, but so will time. Your wound will be completely healed in a matter of days, sir." White hot pain shot through my leg again. I could not wait days. I needed my leg healed now. I had a meeting with the King Under the Mountain today, and it would not do to stumble in his presence. He is arrogant enough as it is and if I falter in front of him, he will laugh about it until he dies, and he will tell all his sons of it, and the cycle will continue as long as the line exists. No, I need to be in perfect shape today, not suffering from a battle wound.

"Do it," I snarled. She removed my bandages and gently poured the contents of the vial onto my torn skin. I gnashed my teeth together, letting out a hiss of pain. The medicine felt like molten rock being poured into my veins. I tried not to flinch away, I had been warned after all.

"Alright, you will no longer limp along, but you will feel considerably more pain throughout your body." Tarawen sighed.

"Thank you, Tarawen," I said, waving her away. After she left, I tried to sleep for a few hours. But my slumber was plagued but nightmares. After tossing and turning, I decided it was best to try and straiten a few affairs that I had missed these past two days. The guard shift during the attack lost three members, so I selected replacements from the standing army. Fine warriors with notable loyalty. The remnants of the orc raiders had been scattered through the forest to feed the fell beasts that inhabit those trees except for their crude armor and weapons. Those metal bits were waiting designation to the forges or to research. I selected the few items I have not seen before to go to research and the rest to be melted down. The fire cleans away orcish filth so we can use it for arrow points or other necessities around the realm.

With paperwork filed and sunrise still a few hours away, I decided to try sleeping again. As I tucked into the soft throws, worry chased me into my dreams.

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