Chapter 10

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"I am sorry that you feel the need to bear this burden alone," I whisper. I have known my own struggles with loneliness and war, but this elf was trying to single-handedly destroy the race of the Orc. I can see the surprise on her face, I caught her off guard for once. She was just as skilled at hiding her true emotions as I was. Who is this elf?

I was about to ask her more questions when a knock sounded at my door. I grimaced, I didn't want this day of meetings to start so soon.

"Into the bathroom, quickly!" I whispered harshly. I didn't know what my advisors would think of a beautiful elf with a thin robe in my chambers so early, and I really would rather not give them more things to complain about. Thankfully, her head was not so clouded, or my advisors would have met Miniel in a very unofficial way.

"Why are you here so early?" I yawn, trying to give the impression of a well-rested soul.

"Sir, there have been reports of dark activity in the borders of the forest." I did not want to deal with this right now.

"How many?" I snarl.

"Scouts have reported as many as ten camps of fifty orcs just within the tree line. As to what they are doing in Greenwood, we are uncertain." I close my eyes. So what Miniel said was true. A dark front is gathering at my door. I inhale sharply.

"Prepare a force of 200 of our best. We need to clear this threat from our land as soon as possible."

"My lord! I do not believe that is wise."

I turned. Miniel has emerged from my bedchamber still in her robe. Her hands were crossed over her chest in defiance. She was staring at me sternly.

"There are far more than fifty orcs in each camp, and there are more than fifteen camps. The other five are closer to the mountains. I visit those once or twice every full moon. They house more than a hundred orcs each. There is a system of communication between the camps that a group will attack your halls should one lose contact. My raids do not rouse such suspicion because they are isolated and do not end with the destruction of the entire hoard. Attacking the ten smaller will bring the mass of mountain orcs upon you."

I could feel the eyes of my advisors on me. They were shocked at Miniel's presence in my chambers in such minimal clothing. At least it wasn't one of my robes. I could not concern myself with their opinions presently. I needed to focus on the imminent threat of invasion.

"How many elves do you believe it will take to clear the forest of orcs?" I say as I pinch the bridge of my nose. I felt a terrible headache coming on, I would need to see Tarawen as soon as this meeting was over.

"Honestly, my lord, I do not think you have enough." Exactly what I was hoping she wouldn't say.

"Then what do you propose we do?" I growl, making sure that no one would think I sounded hopeless or helpless. I would attack the camps single handedly if not for my responsibilities and my son.

"Let me train some of your best in the techniques I use for my raids, we do them in all the camps at once, twice a week, when they are weakened, then bring your army in and wipe them out. They are stronger than you think, and they are growing larger and larger." Her face was grim, it spoke of experience with these foul creatures, one that none among my people knew.

"This is not a proper place to make a decision. I will see you all in the council chambers in one hour, do not be late." My advisors bowed their heads and walked out. "Not you," I said as I grabbed Miniel's arm while she tried to leave. "Do you speak the truth? Is there anything you are hiding from me?"

"No, my lord."

"Then I will meet you by your door in half an hour. You and I will be arriving early." She nodded and padded toward the door. I suddenly remembered the fact that I had had a guard positioned outside her door.

"Wait! How did you even leave your room last night?" I called after her.

She grinned at me. It was the same grin I received before she ran into the woods yesterday. "I don't think I'll ever tell." Smirking, she opened my doors backwards and maintained paralyzing eye contact with me until she turned and ran up the stairs. Those eyes....

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