(Not) Jealous

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Author notes: a little something I wrote in the train today, inspired by RealMasterpiece request about a jealous Seri.

Take care and stay safe ❤️


Ri Jeong Hyeok stared, puzzled, at the swirl of dresses and outfits flashing before his eyes at the speed of light. 

"What do you think about this dress? No ... No, it makes my hips look wider... And this one? Mmmh ... I shouldn't have eaten tteokbokki for dinner yesterday, my face is all puffy now... Maybe that dress, did you know that black is a woman's best friend?" 

Wide-eyed, he opened his mouth in an attempt to answer, before closing it resignedly as the questions were flowing too quickly. He watched her, with that uncontrollable tenderness that overwhelmed him every time he laid his eyes on her. 

She was wearing a negligee which, for him, was a feast for the eyes, barely hiding the curves he knew by heart, but never intended to stop mapping and learning, over and over again. 

Her hair was gathered in a high bun on the head. She posed in front of the dressing room mirror, changing the dresses she held in front of her before throwing them on the bench with an impatient and unsatisfied click of the tongue.

She was magnificent. He didn't have the words to describe all that she inspired in him. 

Wonder, gratitude, visceral need to protect... 

She was his, and this reality still seemed so odd, so fragile, as if he was dreaming and on the verge of waking up to a world where she was just a memory. Every morning, he thanked the universe for keeping it true, keeping it real. 

She bit her lower lip, frowning, eying her reflection with criticism, and he knew instantly why he had come home to a tornado.

She was nervous.

He stood, went to her, and turned her softly to him, his hands stroking her arms.

"What are you doing?"

She huffed but didn't move from his embrace.

"I'm getting ready, Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi... I want to make a good impression..."

His fingers grazed a strand of hair that was falling against her cheek.

"You are stunning, no matter what you wear..."

With other men, it was an easy way out, with him, it was his genuine opinion. She was stunning, effortlessly. She was stunning when she was dressed up, she was stunning when gardening in an old attire of leggings and oversized shirt, she was stunning when she couldn't cook without burning something, she was stunning when she was sobbing uncontrollably after watching the same scene of the same drama for the 20th time. 

She was stunning. 

"I just don't want them to think that you deserve better..."

He frowned, taken aback by her answer. 

"Why would they think that?"

She eyed him from head to toes and gestured at him with something like uncertainty in her gaze. 

"Because you're you!"

"And you are you, for which I'm forever grateful..." he replied. 

She shook her head.

"You don't understand, Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi, you are talented, you've gone through so much, they might think that you deserve someone... Less complicated."

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