Chapter Eight

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It's been a few days, and nothing has changed much.

Everything was almost back to normal, but not completely. The vibe had changed. Our house was no longer a happy home

D was fine again though, but more reserved, just like Dean was. Renae was thrilled at her brother’s arrival, and now won't leave his side. Dean was still about somewhere, usually in and out of the house, but I weren't about to worry about him a second time, so he can go and do whatever he pleases. After all, it was his fault we were all put into this mess in the first place.

I peered outside onto the street, which was lightening up by the street lamps, giving it a luminous glow as passengers walked by. The sky was a lovely moonlight blue, with stars aligned everywhere, yet barely in sight.

That's the city life for you.

I sighed deeply and rested my elbows on the cold window-sill, keeping my eyes fixated on Aunt Caths car parked outside.

My life is crap, very crap indeed.

My stomach turned suddenly, I gripped onto it and thought back to the morning I woke up in that dark alley way. The memories of that dreadful encounter came flooding back to me. I was experiencing burning pains in the pit of my stomach more often now. Of course that isn't normal; I need to consult a doctor.

I wish I could go back to the old days; where there were no worries, everything was so care-free, nothing to worry about at all...

Why can't we go back to those days?

I sighed, feeling mildly depressed at the thought of my family in danger yet again... It's like a vicious cycle, surrounded by threats and death. We're never going to be happy again, that I can easily tell.

I felt my brand new Blackberry Torch begin to vibrate on my dressing table. I released a deep breath and lazily reached over to retrieve it.

Ajay calling.

I smiled slightly and pressed the green button.

Me: "Hello,"

Ajay: "You actually answered. Thought you'd be asleep by now?" I rested my head on the window-sill.

Me: "I'm not tired really."

Ajay: "It's 2 in the morning."

Me: "So what made you call me?"

Ajay: "To check if you were awake," he chuckled lightly. The sound of his throaty laugh made me feel all fuzzy inside.

Me: "Oh okay."

Ajay: "Are you lying down?"

Me: "Not really.."

Ajay: "Don't you think you should? I can tell you're tired b, don't fight your sleep." I rubbed my eyes.

Me: "I'm not,"

Ajay: "Mmm, if you say so," He chuckled again. Ahh.

Me: "I may stay up."

Ajay: "Nah, you need your sleep, plus, I wanna see you tomorrow," my eyebrow cocked upwards on its own accord.

Me: "Why?"

Ajay: "Cos I miss you, so don't wake up late. Just get some sleep." I sighed.

Me: "I'll try."

Ajay: "Night Kimmy baby." I laughed.

Me: "Good morning Alejandro." I hung up and climbed into bed, thinking about all the recent events that’s taken place ever since Dean was discovered missing. I let out a deep sigh.

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