7. Best friend

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"well..long story short" jimin said sitting down in his bed.

"Jungkook was in his room and i was
at work since you know i'm always busy and getting home around 9pm but today i got home early since i finished everything that i had to do for these past for months...i came home and i took a seat where jungkook was playing  of course the couch since he has nothing better to do sometimes and they don't give him enough work but anyways the point is once he went up to his room to go get something i fell asleep right away for about 2-3 minutes which wasn't that long on till he started to yell at me over some stupid control that wasn't even damaged it only had like a little scratch since i was laying down next to it and he started telling me mean things and told me that my body was to big which you heard obviously" jimin said and sighed.

Yoongi seemed a bit concerned on why he would get mad over something that wasn't even damaged..."he's strange sometimes and you two are always together smiling and doing everything like soulmates i don't know why he would yell at you and say those things" yoongi made a confused face while jimin was a bit concerned as well, "well yeah true...but it hurts to see me and him fighting" jimin said. "here let's make a deal i'll help you and you'll explain yourself and if something goes wrong then i'll fix it since i know you two will never fight like this" yoongi said and jimin smiled. "REALLY HYUNG?" jimin said with excitement. "sure why not your my favorite...well actually not really you can be really annoying and bossy a lot" yoongi said as he laughed. "haha very funny" jimin said rolling his eyes. "anyways...so here is the plan" yoongi said as jimin nodded.

They both started to plan things out for tomorrow since right now was getting a but late and jungkook seemed to be enjoying his games while talking on a mic.

"THANK YOU HYUNG" jimin said and jumped to hug yoongi. "y-your welcome n-now g-get off of m-m-ME" yoongi said. "oops sorry a little too aggressive" jimin said with a smile.


It was the next day and it's been hours since me and jungkook talked we haven't even talked or looked at each other in the eyes...i really want to tell him how sorry i am but if i do i feel like he will shout me out but good thing i'll have yoongi next to me right?

"OHH JIMIN" yoongi shouted. "YES" jimin shouted. "READY TO GO SOMEWHERE" yoongi shouted back again. "YES COMING" jimin shouted and yoongi just nodded.

Yes. this was yoongi's plan too make jungkook jealous but also we were going to the mall for i can buy him a small gift when i'm apologizing to him...which i hope he expects it or else i lost my soulmate even tho me and taehyung are also soulmates but me and him don't argue so i'm greatful for that.

i started to put on some black jeans and a black shirt with a black sweater since it was kinda cold out today, a chain, a bag that goes around me (A/N I HAVE A MINI BRAIN I CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER WHAT THEY ARE CALLED😭) and of course my black leather dress shoes that i loved wearing and a hat to match it off.

i went down stairs and looked at yoongi....we were kinda matching..."did you just copy me?" yoongi said. "no did you copy me ?" jimin said all confused. "no not at all" yoongi said as he was surprised. "well uhm i guess we were thinking the same then" jimin said as he laughed and yoongi did too. "i guess so" yoongi said, as we both started to head out i looked back at jungkook in the couch playing games as always and give him a 'just watch' face.


"pfft look at him now hanging with yoongi since he barley goes out with him anywhere, couldn't be me" jungkook said as he again thought about losing jimin and losing his soulmate but thought again he had taehyung anyways and the other 4.

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