Far far away.

104 7 3

Triggers: Angst

Alex's POV.

"No I don't think it should be vanilla cake. It should be something we both like and I don't like vanilla John. You know this." I scrunch my nose

John and I have been arguing about what kind of cake we want for the wedding for weeks. I just don't understand. This guy is obsessed. I refuse to have my day ruined by vanilla cake. We went to this wedding cake store to figure out which cake.

"Alex. Honey. Vanilla cake is top tier. You can't go wrong with it.

"No John."


"No John." I sigh "let's go look at invitations. We have to invite our friends. I only have two anyway."

"You never told me this. Who?" John questions

"Oh well. His name is Lafayette and he has a Fiancé. His name is Hercules.


"Who are you inviting?" I say

"Well I'm friends with these girls. Their sisters. Peggy and Angelica." He states

I think to myself. Wait Eliza had sisters named Peggy and Angelica.

"Babe. Did they have another sister named Eliza."


"Well this is awkward." I rub the back of my neck.


"I was married too her. Phillips mom." I faceplam.

"Oh shit."

"Yeah heh." I nervously laugh.

We sit in a uncomfortable silence. Then John speaks.

"Hey how about these invitations." He smiles

"Oh my goodness. These are cute as heck."

"I know right. Let's get them."

Soon we finish shopping for the day and head home. When we had left George was over with Phillip.A/N: I know what y'all are thinking. Two teenagers home alone. Soon we start our journey home.

20 mins later...

Johns POV.

We both walk up to the front door and knock.

"Phillip we're home." I yell

"Okay one second." He yells.

We hear shuffling from the other side of the door. I wonder what they were doing.

"Hello loving parents of mine." Phillip says fixing his hair.

"Phillip your hairs a mess." I said.

"Uh yeah I was just trying a different style." He rubs the back of his neck.

"Hmm and where's George." Alex questions.

"Speak of the devil. He's on the couch."

"Well just don't stand there. Let us in." Alex says.

Soon we enter our home and set our bags down and head to our room. Whatever the kids was doing was not our concern cause we were tired.

"Alex." I say softly

No response


"Yes Jackie?" He says sweetly

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