Andrès is Born

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9 months later...

Phillips POV


"Get this child out of me NOW!"

Why'd I do this. I can't do this.

Wait wait wait. Y'all might be confused. Let me rewind for you guys I forgot to mention. Phillip is pregnant asf. Okay continue hehe -Author

2 weeks previous before this day.

Phillips POV.

"You did this George be a fucking man and man up to your responsibilities." I yelled.

"Well we both did it. It's not just my fault."

"LOOK AT ME! I'm fat you knocked me up and now you wanna run. If you want to run to go!"

"Calm down before your parents hear you."

"Shut the fuck up don't tell me to calm down."

I can't do this. Lately my dysphoria has been a bitch to me. I'm a man. I feel like a man but still I feel feminine. I'm carrying a child. A whole human in my body how am I supposed to handle this. I feel like I'm alone in all of this because George likes to stay out all night vaping and drinking with his idiot friends. That's fine by me. I don't need him I don't need anyone.

"Phillip come here baby. I'm sorry." He tries to hug me but I slap him

"You little BITC-." He snapped at me

As soon as he said that I jumped on him and started punching him. We must've been loud because my parents came running into the room and attempted to pry me off of George's body.

"No let me kill him!" I cried angrily.

"John hold him. He's strong as fuck." I tried wiggling my way out of Johns grasp

"No no no no. He's a bitch get him out of this house!"

"Alex take him into the next room. I'm gonna talk with George."


"I will kill you. If you ever call me a bitch again." I spat at him

Soon my dad Alex is carrying me out the room. I need to get back in there. That sorry excuse for a boyfriend. He doesn't care about me. Why would he even say something like that! Maybe i wasn't good enough for him. He keeps telling me he never wanted a baby but this isn't my fault it's both of us.

Alex's POV

"Sit." I snapped

"What did I d-." I cut him off

"Why were you guys fighting. Your 9 months pregnant Phillip you can't be attacking people. Your gonna stress out the baby."

"Well I'm already stressed." I sobbed

"He doesn't love me dad. He's an ass to me."

"I know. I know. John is speaking with him." I hug him.

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