Parent-Teacher Conference

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Phillips POV

Oh shit my dad noticed my arms what am I supposed to do now I can't just say that I accidentally cut myself or something and we don't have an animal and now he's going to know that I'm doing this and it's gonna be hard to tell him that I'm still depressed. Let's just hope that he doesn't ask me serious questions.

"Phillip what is this."My dad says.

"Nothing dad don't worry about it." I say looking down.

"What do you mean don't worry about it." He says angered.

"It really isn't nothing I swear dad." I say frustrated.

"Are you sure Philip because it doesn't look like it's nothing." He yells at me

"Why do you always have to yell dad, You don't always have to yell at me." I say getting ready to cry.

Sometimes I wish mama was still here because when she was here the path was clear. When she was here I had somebody to comfort me while dad worked but now it's just me and dad and don't get me wrong. I love my pops. He's been here through literally everything but sometimes I need my mama. It's a different type of love. Something he should understand but for some reason he doesn't and keeps pushing it.

"Phillip are you gonna tell me what's going on with you." My dad says confused.

"I said it's nothing." I mumbled.

I can notice that my dad is getting upset at me and I don't know what to say so I just storm up to my room as far as I can. I don't look back because there's no need to. I sit on my bed and think to myself where did I go wrong in my life. I miss how life used to be. I know I was only 10 when my mom passed. I guess I should tough it out. I guess it's sleep time.

Alex's POV

That friday....

Ugh, I'm always up at 5:30 how pleasant. I get up and drag myself to my bathroom sink. "Another day, Another dollar." I mumble to myself as I brush my teeth. I look at myself in the mirror and I start remembering something Eliza said to me.

"Lexi come on, if we're gonna make the show we need to hurry." She says.

"Okay honey I'm hurrying but Penelope isn't even ready, I'm still trying to get her dress on." I say as I'm trying to get the dress on my daughter.

"We finally made it to the show that took longer then expected." I chuckle and kiss her on the cheek.

"I love you Lexi."

"I love you too babe."

Man do I miss her. I now have to shower and get ready. I yell for Phillip to get up since we have our "Parent-Teacher Conference" this morning and I wasn't excited for it.

"Phillip Wake up, You know the drill bud." I say tiredly.

"I'm already up dad. I'm eating some corn-flakes." He says with a full mouth.

God I love that kid. I hop out the shower and find something to wear. I'm think I'm gonna wear a button up with ripped jeans and a vest. Sounds good I walk out and Phillip is wearing a black turtleneck with overalls and some all white vans. Soon we're headed to the car ready to face the day.

"Are you ready pip?" I ask

"Yes dad. I'm ready." He answers.

"Whatever the teacher says we will be respectful and honest okay." I reassure him.

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