Grow As We Go (Official Ending)

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Phillips POV

"Graduation, a day that we all will remember." I thought to myself.

I never thought I'd make it here. I went through so much to get here. I had a whole child and I'm still here. I'm still of course going through mental illnesses and struggling with a one year old but I did it. It's graduation day. I even made valedictorian and to mention George is graduating too. He took some classes to get more credits. He took so many that he had extra. I'm also an engaged man. I'm getting married and I popped the question who would've thought little ol me. Phillip Hamilton asking someone to marry him.

"Babe you ready the ceremony is starting soon."

"Yeah let me just get my cap and gown Georgie."

I rush to my closet to get my cap and gown and run downstairs. Running in dress shoes are hard. I'm not wearing a cliche suit. I'm wearing Khakis with a light blue sweater and my dress shoes. I look kinda spiffy

I facepalm

"Did I just say fucking spiffy." I mumbled

Soon I rushing downstairs and behold George Eacker. My pride and joy.

"Awww look at my baby. Your suit is soooo nice." I pinch his cheek

"Fuck off Hamilton."

"Woooah you sounded like me just there." John walks in

"Yeah. Watch it." My dads says

"Y'all both look nice now let's goooooo."

We pile in my car and make our way to the ceremony.

Time skip brought to you by theatre kids uwu

"Now children. Everyone take your seats."

The principal announces. Then speaks again.

"Today you start the rest of your lives. A long 4 years but y'all did it. I congratulate all of you for getting through these years. You've made friendships and even lost some but you toughed it out. Congratulations Class of 2021. Now welcoming our valedictorian Phillip Hamilton."

I stand up and start walking to the stage. Then I see my dad holding Andrès and I can't help it. I walk over to my dad and grab him and come back on stage.

"Hello Class of 2021. I'm Phillip Hamilton. Some of you might know me I'm not hard to point out I started at this school as a senior."

Some kids start laughing

"This is Andrès my son. He is one years old and he played a big part in my last year of highschool. I got pregnant with him not knowing what was going to happen with my life. I am proud to say today I am a Transman and I'm not ashamed. I used to be but not anymore. All of you guys accepted me and never asked questions. I gained nothing but respect from this school. Eventually meeting the Love of my life George Eacker I love you baby and meeting my second father John Laurens. It might of been rocky between us but we made it work. I'm rambling I'm sorry. All I have to say is I thank every single last one of you for making me the person I am today. Also shout out to Theo that's my bestie."

"whooo hoooo that's my bestfriend." Theo yells

"All in all. Thank you Kings Highschool. Thank you for being true to me and true to yourselves. We had a rocky 4 years but now we move on the better and greater things. As we move forward remember. We are strong. We are awesome and most important, We are family. Thank you and congratulations." I step of the stage and everyone start applauding me.

Then the principal speaks again.

"Thank you Phillip. That was great. Now we have a special award to give for the student who improved the most this year. He started out this year not so great but finished strong. George Eacker come on up."

And the most amazing thing happened

"Da..da." Andrès babbled and George turned around.

"Did you just say your first word." George teared up


"Omg George!!" I yelled

Soon after George received his award he sat back down

"Please stand class of 2021. And move your tassels to the left of your cap. You are all now the graduating class of 2021. Congratulations."

We throw our caps in the air and George kisses me and picks me up and twirls me in the air.

"We did it baby."

After a long time. I realized that it wasn't my dads fault for me not passing my classes I was too busy worrying about his interest in John. I missed out on a lot but now I've met George we have been together 4 years. We had as adorable chubby baby. Not to mention he has George smooth brown skin. They could be twins and for once in a while. I'm not thinking of my mama. I did this all for her. For my dad and now we move on with our lives. Together. Some days I think about my mama and I know she's okay now. Im finally glad I was able to make my family happy. Thanks to George, My Dad, and John.

Hey and just to think this all started because of some dumb Parent-Teacher Conference but hey I'll take that over anything any day. Soon I realized that we didn't have to force ourselves to do better. We just had to Grow As We Go.

A/N: hey y'all this is the official ending lol  I felt bad for leaving y'all hanging like that. Also thank you for 1.18k thats shits crazyyy. I love y'all the sequel is out now. Before you go.

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