Heaven beside you (hell within)

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Consequently, due to his averted eyes, Legolas did not register the sound of another approaching figure make his way over to the three almost as if his ears had been taken over by nothing but the sound of his own erratic heartbeat. Then a low voice, barely distinguishable to Legolas, who had worked so hard to forget the sound of his name of that person's lips, spoke up. Voice gentle and unbothered as if nothing had happened since they had last seen each other "Legolas"

3rd person PoV:

Consequently, due to his averted eyes, Legolas did not register the sound of another approaching figure make his way over to the three almost as if his ears had been taken over by nothing but the sound of his own erratic heartbeat. Then a low voice, barely distinguishable to Legolas, who had worked so hard to forget the sound of his name of that person's lips, spoke up. Voice gentle and unbothered as if nothing had happened since they had last seen each other "Legolas"

Legolas's heart plunged to the pit of his stomach, an ice-cold feeling smothering his entire body until he became numb with all the negative emotions that lay upon him, hate, anger and fear. Rendered practically motionless aside from the occasional exhale and inhale of breath or the widening of his pale blue eyes that lay fixed on the path ahead not daring to glance towards who stood at his side despite their lingering presence.

The uncanny sound of his name on that person's lips played in his mind over and over again like an old man calling in a lost cat, that voice that had once spoken to him delicate words, that had once calmed him down, that had once reassured him in times where he was their only hope had now become his worst nightmare, the sound no less pleasant than the screeches of animals in the middle of the night, hateful and afraid.

Legolas's eyes drifted towards the man against his will, azure eyes lightening from the thin sheen of moisture that blanketed its exterior as he sketched the perimeter of a narrow jaw, a ragged beard and sharp eyebrows before latching into silver eyes the colour of storm clouds above a rough sea, a murky grey yet tinted slightly blue as if they somehow reflected the colour of the sea that lay restlessly beneath.

Those storm clouds existed to create destruction, to obscure the sea from its only source of light, to deprive it of any ounce of warmth as it cradled the sun selfishly within its harsh grasp, roaring down a the sea as if it cared not for its anger, it's hurt, it's coldness brought on by its empty presence that did nothing to hold him with the same affection that it presented to the sun.

Legolas glared blankly into those eyes that hid that raging storm cloud, struggling so desperately to escape the bars that prevented its freedom as they locked into his own eyes that lay protected by a thin wall of his own tears, threatening to spill over and illustrate his weakness to the outside.

Sweaty fingers fidgeted with the edge of his leaf-coloured sleeve as he scanned the other man with anxious eyes, bottom lip secured underneath his two front teeth in a way to suppress his tears as his eyebrows drew together. His heart thumping inside his chest mingling with a cold, pure fear that pumped across his body, skin licked by the humid air that ran its fingertips across his exposed skin.

Aragorn peered emotionlessly down at him with those storm-cloud eyes. Eyebrows knitting together to form a frown as if the expression that Legolas presented to him did nothing but bring him confusion. Perhaps he speculated that Legolas would just ignore what had happened in the past like tossing a rotten apple to pick a new fresh one, fresher, sweeter. Perhaps he assumed that Legolas would happily skip over to him upon recognizing his appearance like how a child would greet their mother and welcome him how he used to, hug him how he used to or demonstrate any form of affection towards him like how he used to.

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