Welcome to my nightmare

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I am invisible to him, invisible to the world.

I am invisible to you.

And you don't care.

3rd person PoV:

Legolas was an elf unique to the eyes of his comrades, he was a mystery to their eyes, a book unopened, a puzzle that dared not be deciphered by anyone.

He wielded the strength of an army but contained the delicacy of a petal dancing in the wind, his azure eyes were that of the sea after a storm, refreshed and welcoming to anyone invited but they were also a malicious sky, ridden with grey storm clouds and flashes of lightning and with one simple glare he could force the enemy running but most importantly his heart was like a drum, possessing no purpose but to beat solely for the love of a man whom would never love him back.

It was what he existed for, and so, it would be what he would die for, he would drift away through the air as careless as a feather detached from a bird and who was to care about his departure?

Bitter winter air swam uninvited through the partially open window, curtains billowing back like an advancing wave influencing a thunder-like sound to echo around the room as the wind inspected every corner of his personal living space. Legolas peeled open his eyes, the sound of the wind falling silent on his unenthusiastic ears as the prince drifted into consciousness. He shivered as a wave of coldness swept over his body, unusual for an elf.

Any other elf would have cherished the sound of the wind rattling the objects inside his room but it was not the case for Legolas. To him, the mere existence of that sound was just another unwelcome reminder that he had woken up to live another day that would bring nothing but more pain and pressure upon his already disturbed heart.

Upon feeling the sunlight strike his open eyes, a subtle sheen of moisture coated his vision at the sudden and drastic change in light and he blinked a couple of times as he grew accustomed to it.

Legolas stared up at the sunlit ceiling with vacant eyes that carried nought but a void of darkness contaminating any light that dared have the audacity to make its way through the barriers in his eyes. He stayed motionless for a few minutes, having no motivation to get up that day as any other sane individual might have, before he urged himself into a sitting position, resting his weary head upon his knees.

Legolas felt his heart beat rhythmically inside of his chest, each beat being stalked by another and that sound that might have relieved someone to know that they were alive, only caused utter despair upon himself. The fact that he had to wake another day and imagine as Aragorn swept away the love of his life into his arms, cradling her in his arms as though she were as fragile as glass at the edge of a table, gazing his way with the smallest amount of adoration in his silver eyes and no remorse for that matter despite the way his heart continued to be consistently for him.

Because of this, Legolas was merely a shell of the person he had been, a vessel that once contained sparks of life that were now just memories of what he used to be. Once life-filled eyes were now crammed with tears, hands that once cradled his sword with the same delicacy that Aragorn held Arwen with were now bare and blood-stained and cheeks that once expressed his happiness were now smudged with the salty tears that ran freely from his desolate and fixated stare.

A knock sounded at Legolas's door and a voice following shortly after startled the Prince out of his train of thought causing him to somewhat jump from where he sat "Prince Legolas, King Thranduil calls for you in the throne room" A deep, masculine voice called out from the other side of the door and out of consciousness, Legolas instantly succumbed to the order.

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