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Legolas's eyes snapped up to meet hers, hands unclenching at his sides as he turned to face the door "Whatever" He said, snatching his bow and arrows from where it lay beside the door before quickly walking out the room.

3rd person PoV:

Raw beads of rain gushed down upon the muddy woodland floor, an earthly odor radiating from the ground in which the raindrops had first caressed, polluting the air with its natural scent. Each drop settled upon his pale skin like raven perched upon a branch, perfectly formed and consistent of the vicious chill that sketched his features, abandoning trails of moisture in its path as it slithered across the surface of his skin like a snake advancing upon its next unfortunate victim.

It emerged before him bearing superiority, it's glassy and apathetic stare was all but an order to a servant undeserving of its appreciation. Yet it held the delicacy of a vermillion petal cleansing itself from roses embrace. It settled upon his skin with the familiarity of a petal brushing the sunless grass in its shadow, cradling his skin with tenderness as if it were familiar with his presence, familiar with his suffering.

A mothers warmth did not fluctuate with the love that it presented him, it cared for him in the same way a mother would handle her child for the first time, hugging him in its cold arms as if he deserved the same example of love, kneeling before him like a devoted disciple that prized his existence upove it's own.

Legolas felt the liquid steal away his body heat step by step, splatter by splatter. The volume of the raindrops striking the muddy ground bleeding into his ears like a natural melody unsung until this point in time. It laughed at him, ridiculed him with a passion equal to a cawing crow perched upon a gravestone, the liquid sinking inch by inch into the grounds uneven exterior, its sole purpose was to beat in sync with the gentle singing of his heart, mocking its ability to keep his fragile body alive.

Legolas gazed down upon the pearly beads that decorated the skin of his right hand with emotionless eyes, it's pale complexity tarnished from the darkened atmosphere that had ridden itself from the light necessary at this time of day. A thick layer of clouds masked the sun as if trying to conceal its familiar identity, rebellious strings of light filtering lazily through the treetops that hung high above their heads, looking down upon them with an unapologetic sense of authority.

A gentle breeze whispered through the tree branches, the harsh air tracing his cheeks with icy fingertips and despite his cloak hood dangling in view of his eyes, an isolated lock of hair attached its saturated strands to the elf's pink-tinted cheek although, neither the breeze nor the lock of starlight hair did anything to accompany his shivering form.

The prince's shoes emitted squelching sounds as they progressed, the exterior was devoured in watery mud that ran too close to the exposed skin on his ankle. Their footsteps outlined the dryer patches of dirt, the uneven ground holding patterns that were intertwined with the memories of warmer days and Legolas distantly hoped for those warmer days to defrost his freezing body and engulf his heart in the heat that it comforted him with so he could continue to walk through the downpour without disturbing his fragile demeanour.

Legolas glanced over his shoulder, the distant figure of his father distorted and blurred by the effects of the heavy rain that acted as a shield to separate them from one another. The prince raised his hand, the action appearing as an innocent goodbye wave, though in his own mind, he saw it as his last plea for help, his last plea to be taken back into the safe embrace of his room and cast his eyelids over his eyes until he was taken back into sweet unconsciousness.

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