Hate to feel

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Tauriel glanced over to him through the rain, seeming to sense his negative reaction as her confident posture slouched, eyebrows knitting together in concern as she observed him and despite Iapetus awaiting an answer for the statement which he had deemed amusing, Tauriel abandoned her response and pursed her lips shut, silence taking ahold of the group.

3rd person PoV:

By the time the trio had made their way out from the forests delicate embrace, darkness had already begun to pollute the atmosphere. The sun bowed its golden head down before them, a loyal disciple presenting its respect for their leader, willing to surrender itself every day to prove its allegiance.

Its departing streaks of light like threads of sandy hair nuzzled the grass affectionately with its fingertips as it dipped below the horizon. Its vanishing rays of light provided the golden-tinted grass relief with its warm caress as it took in its final breaths before relinquishing itself to the gloomy abyss that infected the sky.

Consequently, stars began to fill the atmosphere. They materialized silently before them, bleeding into the murky sky the same way blood seeped from an open wound, yet it existed with the similar elegancy as a dove drifting through a warm summer breeze, entrancing and magnificently beautiful to the naked eye.

Its pearly exterior danced with the memories of the suns soothing warmth and glow, cradling its reflective light in its strong arms as if bearing something more fragile than its own existence. They trickled across the sky like splashes of paint across a black canvas, distinguishable to those who even dared not recognise it's noticeable presence and brought relaxation upon those more reluctant to acknowledge it.

Rain ceased to tarnish the sky as it previously had. Instead, the weather appeared to display its pity for the damage which it had caused and proceeded to guide them to a suitable area to rest for the night.

Their shoes leaked squelching sounds as they walked, the actions of the rain displaying itself on their shoes in the form of mud, yet they had long since been provoked by its unwelcome presence and therefore did not demonstrate any signs of discontentment on their expressions as they progressed.

Iapetus was the one to find a patch of dry land to settle down on. The dirtied tip of his shoe gently sketched its muddy surface, analyzing it's exterior for any imperfections that might tarnish their belongings. Small blades of grass shifting underneath his touch as if deeply affected by the gentleness that he presented.

Once he considered the location acceptable, the raven-haired elf drifted his gaze towards his two other companions: Tauriel, who had strayed a shorter distance away for the same purpose and Legolas, who stood independently by a nearby tree with his gaze solemnly cast down to the ground as if deep in thought.

Confidently, he declared: "This patch of ground should be suitable for the night..." He said, voice hoarse as he fought to gain their distracted attention. Tauriel had been the first to notice his declaration and so she began her way over with confidence in her stride.

Legolas, however, seemed to only recognise his message when Tauriel had strolled past him. The Prince peering upwards just as Iapetus announced "...We should set up a fire, then we can dry our clothes and get some rest" He said, glancing over to Legolas with an intention to be discreet, though Legolas caught onto his purposeful gaze and sighed, walking over with a disinterested slouch in his posture.

Once Legolas had made his way over, he gently set the small travelling bag, crammed with equipment for their journey, down and withdrew his rain-soaked cloak, as if only just coming to the realisation that the downpour had long since evacuated.

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