Chapter 23: Full Bad Ass Chick Mode

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Selena's Pov

My plane just landed , The weather was hot , i got out of the plane and started looking for my bag . When i found it ,i started looking for grandpa or anyone from the gang . I saw grandpa and Peter waiting for me next to the black jeep . I ran to grandpa and hugged him and started crying " Calm down sweet heart , everything will be okay " he said . Peter came to me and took my bag and put it in the jeep . Grandpa got into the driver's seat and Peter sat in the back seat next to me . " sorry for crying grandpa but it's the only place that i can cry in without paparazzi and the media following me and making a big story out of it. Plus crying now is better then crying while killing collen " i said while laughing , and started crying again . Peter just hugged me and said "calm down everything is okay " . After a 30 minutes we arrived home , it was big, bigger than uncle si's house . Peter held my hand , while grandpa was getting my bag . Nana was at the door waiting . I ran to her and hugged her so tight and whispered " I missed you "  " oh my angel i did too " said grandma. I was lead into the living room and saw the gang , it seems like nothing has changed they only seemed older . " Okay , selly let's get to business  , why do you want to kill collen ? " asked grandpa ." Dad had a fight with cody , and he went to the hospital , he was okay , he was getting better but somebody came and shot him and killed him . And cody knew and he went to the funeral and he didn't feel a bit guilty
for not telling me , i had a feeling that it was collen and i had though that cody had cut contact with the but i told him that i knew it was collen who did it .... he just didn't deny it ! " i said in tears. I looked around everyone was mad , dad was a great person he was always their for the hole gang , he always loved peace but since his father was a gang leader he was somehow involved . " so what do you wanna do with collen then ?" Asked Peter . " Easy ,i wanna end his life like he did with my dad " i said " you're famous , if you do that you will become a criminal and i don't think that your dad would have wanted his little girl to become a criminal " said Peter " Plus i wouldn't allow it " said grandpa " so we let him get away ?" I asked. " no of course not , we'll find a way " said grandpa . " what are we gonna do then ?" Asked Peter . " we train we give them a scar or more and we leave " said grandpa . "Let's get this started we just need a bit of training , we attack after tomorrow , today and tomorrow are for training , what do you think Papa Gomez ?" Asked Peter " yeah ,all of you go change in your room and join me downstairs in the training center " Said Grandpa.
*10 minutes later*
We were all in the gym doing some worm ups . When grandpa came in he said " that's enough worm ups , we have gun training , and some route jumping , and fighting match , we're starting with gun training , selena will be training with the girls , boys training alone " . I went with the girls , Candy, Brit and Cotty . It's been a while since i had a gun in my hand , i trained for hours and got Candy to take a picture of me shooting with the gun. It was now dinner time , grandma had made a traditional meal . When dinner was over i went to my room and wore my pjs my hair was not in a pony tale anymore, it was down to my ass it's the style i'm following and in love it !  I went to the living room and found everybody watching Annabelle ! Ohhh i love horror movie , the only place available was next to Peter . I sat down and watched it with them . When a break came on , i opened my phone there was so many messages and missed calls
Lili 20 missed calls -50 messages Nialler 40 missed calls-60 messages
Tommo Prankster 60 Missed calls-80 messages
Hazza Boo 110 missed calls -99 messages
Demz 10 missed calls
Taytay ♥ 30  missed calls -10 messages
Cody the co-Bro 100 missed calls - 30 messages
Zackary the king 33 missed calls-70 messages
Mark the angel 160 missed calls- 122 messages
Zayn ♥♥ :'(  320 missed calls -  230 messages
And there was voice mails too . I laughed a little , if they think i'm gonna call them , they're wrong ! The movie is back on , i was sitting next to Peter , when suddenly the most scariest part came on , but i wasn't aware of that , so i jumped and hugged whatever was next to me while screaming . When i heard laughing , looked around and saw all of them laughing . I looked around then looked at Peter who was turning purple . That 's when i realized that i was the one suffocating him so let go while saying " OMG ! I'm so sorry Peter" . " it okay " he said . After this humiliation i said "Well then goodnight " and headed to my room
*Next Day*
I woke up exited i knew what i wanted . And i knew how i could get it . I wanted 《Revenge》 and still had 3 steps to get to my revenge . I went to the bathroom , when i got out i wore my clothes . And went downstairs to find only grandma awake and making breakfast ! So i said " Where is everybody ?" She looked at me and said " Still sleeping darling " . I asked " do you have a megaphone ?" She said " yes . It's here in the kitchen " while handling it to me . I stood at the end of the stairs , pulled the megaphone to my mouth and yelled " LAST DAY ! EVERYBODY GET UP WE HAVE TO TRAIN AND GET READY FOR TOMORROW ! I WANT A 100 PERCENT SUCCESS IN THIS MISSION , NOW EVERYBODY UPPPP ! " i hear laughing coming from grandma . In 5 minutes everybody was dressed and at the bottom of the stairs. We ate , then started route training ! Then we did some fighting and i re-trained on shooting with my gun . When we finished , i realized i still had 1 step to get to my revenge and it was..... FINDING THE KILLER OUTFIT . I went shopping and got the killer bad ass outfit (AN : Picture on the side)
And then i went home . I can't wait for tomorrow !
*Revenge Day*
It was 7:00 AM ,  i was ready ! I had the perfect plan ! I hope everything goes as planed . I was standing in front of my mirror doing my makeup . Then i went to the living room , and waited for everybody ! 7:30 AM we were in the car waiting for the helicopter to arrive at the field . It was 15 minutes flight to Collen's business building , but it's part of the plan ! We were on top of the building and getting ready to jump ! But my heart was hurting , like something is gonna go wrong . I went to Peter and said "You guys don't have to do this " . He looked shocked " Sel we're with you til death "  .  " okay you guys ready ?" . They all nodded . We jumped one by one on the roof ! I had my guns with me ! The building was made from glass ! We held into the metal bars and we jumped and broke the windows with our feet ! When Collen 's men saw us they started shooting but we were faster , there was table throwing , shooting , fight it was the Chaos ! When we killed all of his guards we headed to his office . Best way to enter ?  Shoot the metal door down . Pete had the voice changing app . So i said " Yo mother fucker , better run , i'm shooting you down " and laughed a creepy laugh while we stared shooting the door 5 seconds it was on the floor and i see the most shocking thing : Mark , Zac , Cody , Austin , the girls and the boys sitting in the office talking with the one and only Collen so i said " Hell no mother fucker !"
_______________________________________  March 25th 2015 saddest day in the 1D history ! Zayn left , zayn's girls are broken so are the boys and the rest of the fandom . I will keep writing even when i'm an emotional breakdown , crying and not smiling ! Zayn is my ♥ and he always will be ! Who knows he might comeback in a couple of years ! Anyway i hope you guys liked this chapter , what do you think will happen next ?

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