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~Hey there!!♡~

[P.E. period the next day]

All I've done all day is wait for this...

I don't look at the football ground even once. I directly go to that specific place where I met Harry. I hope he is there today.

Apparently he is there. He is sitting on the rock with the same book he had the other day.

"Hey Louis!"

"Hey Harry! What are you doing?"

"Nothing much... you're not playing football today?"

"No!" I say and my expression hardens. "I thought I'd spend time with you today." I give him a soft smile.

He doesn't say anything for a few seconds but when he speaks- "I thought you loved football? I mean that's what it seemed like."

"Yeah I do! But I can't do much about it now, can I?"

"We could play football... I mean not with the goals and stuff, you know we could just pass the ball to each other..."

"Sounds nice!"

So we go and get the ball.

"Hey I have an idea."

"For what?"

"See you've been so good to me and well I think I can consider you my friend but I don't know anything about you... Do you want to play twenty questions as we pass the ball? You know we could know each other better?"


"What is your favorite color?" I say and gently pass him the ball.

"Is this how you are going to waste your ten questions?" He giggles and stops the ball before kicking it back to me.

"Well it's a start... and that was the first thing that came to my mind."





"I love sunflowers! I've drawn a lot of them on canvas."

"You draw?"

"I love drawing!"

"I'd like to see your drawings sometime."

"They are literally on display all around my house and my mom doesn't mind, infact she keeps getting me new canvas all the time."

"See that's what I'm talking about!"

"What?" He looked confused.

"See now I know your favorite color is yellow, your favorite flower is sunflower, you love drawing and you have a lot of them on display... I got to know all of this just in one question." I say as I give him a smirk.

"Right you are smart."

"That I am!"

"My turn... what is your favorite fast food?"


"Hmm nice..." He says and kicks the ball back to me.

"My turn... What's the one thing you'd ask for, if you could ask for anything?" I say and kick the ball back to him.

He stops the ball and holds it between his toe and the ground. He starts to roll the ball front and back a little as if trying to stall the conversation. Then kicks the ball back.


His voice is almost not audible but I heard it. That word hit me. Hit me like a train. I would almost start to cry because that means a lot to the both of us.

I bite back a sob, "That's- um... that's a really good answer Harry." I try to say casually but both of us know it wasn't casual.

"My turn... have you ever been with a girl?"

"No I've never been with a girl... have you?"

"No never... never again." He says and we smile at each other.

"You know when I think about it now Zayn, Liam and I never talked about crushes and girls... I would have known I was gay long before if we did." I say and I laugh but he doesn't, so I give him a confused look.

"If you would have known earlier, you would have lost them earlier." I didn't eventhink about that.

"Yeah you are right... but I would have rid the toxic people earlier though."

"Yeah that's true."

"My turn... have you ever been with a boy?"

I want to be honest but I kinda don't because I've never been with anyone before... I don't want to sound like a pathetic loser eventhough I know the number of people you've dated does not define your worth but still I don't know what he would think... so I have only one option.

"No... have you?"

"No." He says with a soft smile. He looks so pretty with the sunshine lightning up his face. He looks down at the ball and apparently he just can't stop smiling.

Does he know that he is so beautiful?!

All good things come to an end and so did this moment- "Aww look at that... the fat ass fag found another little fag." I give Zayn a death glare and then look at Harry whose face is red with embarrassment.

No I can't let this happen... we don't deserve this.

"Fuck off Zayn. What did we even do to you? All I did was be a good friend to you. I never tried to hurt you... physically or emotionally. If I see you anywhere close to this sweet lad I swear to God Zayn it will end badly."

It's been a really long time since I've fought back and to be honest it really feels good. My tone was enough for Zayn to back off because he knows this time he wouldn't win the fight. So he walks away.

As soon as he does I hear another voice calling out my name. I look in the direction of the source and I see our P.E. coach.

"Louis listen I need to tell you something... it's important."

"Yes coach what is it?"

"There is an inter school football match that is going to take place next week and you are in the team."

"Wait so the match would be here on our ground right?"

"No it's not. It's out of town. Everything will be sponsored by school... it would be held during the next weekend... you can only bring one person with you. That can be your sibling, friend, family member, anyone. Normally students choose to bring a friend but there is no harm in bringing someone form your family. Think about it and let me know if you are bringing someone with you. Your name is already on the list."

What the fuck just happened?

"Are you alright?"

"I don't know. I just stopped playing football right now and out of no where the coach asks me to join the team again... it's really tempting to be honest."

"Hey listen Lou, you love football. You can't give it up for some assholes."

"I don't know anything anymore Harry."

"It's alright, you have a week to decide..."

I guess so...

~What would you do if you were in place of Louis?

Stay fabulous!! Love yourself!!♡~

IN ANOTHER WORLD ~LARRY STYLINSON~Where stories live. Discover now