Part Eight: Chaos in Realities

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The Strip, Gotham City, New Jersey, United States. Another Earth.

Batman "I see you!"

Batman is chasing the Japanese ninjas. The ninjas' fates, some of them get shot, some fall off the building, no one lives to get out from the Batman.

Those years occurred a war between Amazons and Atlanteans. The whole of Europe sunk into the sea. Britain becomes New Themyscira.

As the world faces to the end. The Flash travelled back in time and restored the timeline.

Thomas "When I woke up, the city was destroyed, but the world is still here. I returned to the Batcave, and continued my life."

Bruce "So everything is over?"

Thomas "The gods are going to wipe out someone who interferes with them. Now they're coming soon."

This time, Amazons and Atlanteans enter the Batcave, and the father and son have to fight them.

Barry and Victor just repaired the treadmill.

Before they launch it, Bruce and Thomas have finished all the gods.

Thomas "At the last moment, time to tell you a secret. We could have told you since you'd grown up. Agatha, your aunt has been missing since she was 3. We hadn't received any messages in those years. If Agatha was found, you would not be the only bloodline of the Waynes."

Bruce "How is she then?"

Thomas "I took down those men who'd kidnapped her, then found out she's alive, and had a son. But she didn't recognize your father."

Bruce "So you find her, but no idea how to save her?"

Thomas "I took them to the police. Then I would give my name to her child. I guess Agatha in your world is still alive."

Bruce "You're right, I'm not the only bloodline anymore. I also have good news for you. You're the grandfather now. Your grandson, he's now a teenager."

Thomas "That's the only good news of all time."

Barry "Bruce! Thomas! We have no time."

Bruce "I need you to come with me, father. We'll be a complete family again."

Victor "The earth is going to be destroyed. Just come to us."


Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Another Earth.

The city in this world is a composite look of Shanghai and Singapore, but finally faced its fate due to the Speed Force destroying the earth.


Bruce "Come with me, father. Please."

Thomas pushes Bruce "GO!"

Barry pulls Bruce to the capsule.

Bruce "Let me go, Barry!"

Barry "Dr. Wayne, come to us."

Thomas "During those years, there's nothing harder than you. You're my world, son. The greatest gift ever. Now, time to find happiness, don't be Batman, don't do it for your parents. Let Batman die with me."

Bruce "But I can save you!"

The capsule disappears.

Thomas "You have."

The shake happened to the Batcave.


In the Speed Force.

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