Part One: Xiamen

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Welcome ... to the Worlds of DC.

In that one ... the Flash ran back and saved the day.

8 Years ... After the Great War.


January 25th, 2025. Xiamen, China.

A ferry is heading to the east coast of Xiamen.

"厦门福门中心码头,到了。请乘客带好行李物品下船。" (Chinese: Xiamen Fujiansgate Centre and Ferry Terminal is here. Passengers are requested to bring their luggages and items off the ship.)

Like everyone said, there's always a flow of people. Now it's four days before Chinese New Year. As the screen is following several people, they're heading somewhere.

Behind them a lady arrives at the terminal, with glasses, jacket and sarong, it seems like she finished part of her journey. also heading somewhere.


Another one arrived at the airport. Heading to Fujiansgate Centre.

There's two Fujiansgate Centre Towers. One is in Xiamen, another one is in Kaohsiung. Both of them are 500 meters and 100 floors in height. Both of the twin towers' shapes are inspired by plum flowers.

"Go to the tower, we have several men to keep you safe."

Viewing from the taxi, it's heading to a place with some futuristic skyscrapers.


As the people leave the terminal, the lady behind them finds some way, removes her glasses, removes her jacket and sarong, and hides her luggage. She reveals herself as Diana, walks on the roof, watching their action.

She became the queen after the Great War. But sometimes she still goes for standalone missions as Wonder Woman.

The group of people entered another building.


The man got off the taxi and just arrived at the lobby of Fujiansgate Centre.

"Here's Mr. Bend. I'm in the place."

"Target is in Oceania Tower. Go to the 60th floor. Security guards are our men, Justice League members are fake, we sent them to watch their action. Now, we know nothing between us, Angelo. Nothing."

Diana is hiding after the tree. As Angelo enters the lobby, Diana follows him, climbs up the escalator.

Angelo arrived at the 60th floor of Fujiansgate, and watched the situation in the hotel room.

(Inspired by Skyfall of James Bond 007.)

Angelo builds up his machine gun, and shoots an American agent.

Glass smashed, agent Mark Simon is down.

Suddenly, Angelo saw Diana in reflection from the nearby building's big screen and glass. They started to fight, the glass smashed, the gun shot loudly.

Diana captured Angelo by her Lasso of Truth.

Diana "Who are you?! And why are you doing this!"

Angelo keeps silent.

Diana "That will make you tell the truth."

Angelo "Should have killed me."

Diana "No one has to die."

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