Part Seven: An Original Timeline

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May 1st, 2030. Stortorget Square, Helsingborg, Sweden.

A drama is playing in the square.

"Flugorna dödar oss. Vi måste ringa efter hjälp." (Swedish: The flies are killing us. We must call for help.)

"Ring amerikanska." (Swedish: Call American.)

"Herr president, vi behöver din hjälp." (Swedish: Mr. President, we need your help.)

The President "I'm looking for oil, I'm looking for Iran, I'm looking for China."

"Den här mannen är en psyko. Han lyssnar aldrig." (Swedish: This man is a psycho. He never listens.)

"Titta! Är det Superman?" "Är det Batman?" "Är det Wonder Woman?" "Japp! De är Justice League!" (Swedish: Look! Is that Superman? Is that Batman? Is that Wonder Woman? Yep! They're Justice League!)

Fiction Wonder Woman "We save the world. We wipe out the flies!"

They're fighting those flies.

"Tack, hjältar." (Swedish: Thank you, heroes.)

"Se upp! Flugan är bakom honom." (Swedish: Watch out! The fly is behind him.)

The fiction WW accidentally grabbed the president's wig, and kept fighting the fly.

"Titta! Amerikanska presidenten är skallig. Han ljög för oss!" (Swedish: Look! American President is bald. He lied to us!)

The President "You disrespected the strongest country's president. I let you know I am the world's police!"

"No! I am the world's police!"

"Non! Je suis la police du monde!" (French)

"Nein! Ich bin die Polizei der Welt!" (German)

"Nie! Jestem światową policją!" (Polish)

They used different European languages to say "We are the world's police!"

The President "Traitors! TRAITORS! I'm back to America, you're all dead!"

"Kom inte tillbaka, ryck! Det är 'Du' är död!" (Swedish: Don't come back, jerk! It's 'You' are dead!)

After the drama.

The teenage girl just removed her Wonder Woman costume. Her classmate comes to her.

"Cassie Sandsmark, det er en melding fra barnehjemmet ditt." (Norwagian: Cassie Sandsmark, it's a message from your orphanage.)

*Cassie lost her parents when she was a child. She was raised in an orphanage. Although she's not studying very well, Cassie is still trying to bring happiness to her classmates.*

"Du er virkelig en budbringer, Olson." (Norwagian: You're really a messenger, Olson.)

As Cassie walks away.

Diana "Excuse me, is there a next show to watch?"

Cassie "Three shows after us. Can I help you?"

Diana "I just watched your show, it's amazing. I like your acting too. I'm Diana. What's your name, kid?"

Cassie "Cassie, Cassie Sandsmark."

Olson "Cassie is a badass star now."

Cassie (Giggles) "He's kidding. Don't listen to him."

Diana "I also have some friends in your orphanage. We'll meet again soon."

Cassie "You mean Whatsapp?"

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