Part Six: Plan to Restore

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Star Labs, Metropolis, East Coast of North America.

Clark, Diana, Victor, and Barry arrived. Meet detective Meach and a scientist.

"So glad to meet you. My name is Meena Dhawan. I am in charge of this program."

Diana "Since the Composite Soldiers' program failed in the labs, did you find some weird thing in this experiment?"

Meena "Nope. Everything is okay. They're still doing some tests."

Clark "I guess there's also nothing I can search, Mr. Meach. Just something to use."

Joseph "I just thought Commissioner Corporon will never agree as we're always in danger. But crimes must be revealed. You and I will understand."

Walk through the lab.

Joseph "The speedster's program is not starting yet, but they're going to build the treadmills."

Barry "Those guys from that treadmill?"

Meena and Joseph don't understand.

Victor "Barry recently saw a presage. Definitely related to that machine."

Meena shares to them an unfinished treadmill.

Meena "If the world is almost destroyed. We'll send a speedster to change the past."


Several months later.

"Three speedsters, Freedom, Liberty, Democracy."

"Standby. Five, four, three, two, one."

"Speed Force launched. For American Dream."

They run back to the past, try to change it.

Three speedsters think they made things well.

However, as they run back to the Speed Force, they're unable to return to the future.

They keep running in the Speed Force, until the Speed Force tears apart. Left they burnt and screamed.

As the next three speedsters just entered the Speed Force, they're also trapped in there. Meena is one of them.

But Meena gets a chance to arrive in the time months before. To warn Barry.


Barry wakes up again. He tries to warn the others.

He finds Victor, then Victor also has the same thing to warn him.

Barry "Victor, listen to me now ..."

Victor "Barry, you should listen. There's recently been unnatural disasters in the world. The flashes are happening to the cities."

Barry "The world comes unstable because of this? It must be a problem from the Speed Force."

Victor "You're right about it."

Barry "We must make a treadmill before they created it. Or we have no time."

Victor "We've already created it."


Hall of Justice, Gotham City, East Coast of North America.

John "Then we just finished the capsule. Barry and Victor can use it to save those testers."

Hal "Wait, we're building a spaceship?"

John "Build it like a ship to protect the treadmill, to rescue all the speedsters."

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