Chapter 11. Hero Names and Training!

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"Truth, Justice, and the American Way." - Speaking.

'Up, up, and away!' - Thinking.

"Hello there." - Artificial Intelligence, Hologram, Phone call, Important Word.

"Statistically speaking flying still is the safest way to travel." - Somebody reading something out loud.

Superman - Time, POV, A/N, Location, All Might Speaking.


{ Kal-El / Izuku Midoriya }

| Location: Midoriya Residence |

| Time: 7.42 A.M. |

"Izuku! Are you up yet?" Mom calls out downstairs and I groan as I get out of my bed. I shower and get changed into my uniform and walk downstairs. "Morning Ma." I greet her as I walk to the pantry and look at my options for breakfast.

"Are you kidding me? You are a growing boy, you can't just have cereal for breakfast." Mom chuckles and hands me a plate full of eggs and bacon. "Thanks Mom!" I devour the meal and go over to the sink to take care of my plate. "I should go if I want to catch the bus now. Love you!" I call out as I walk out of the door.

As soon as I begin to walk towards the train station I get a text message on my phone. "Get to UA. Right now." From Bakugou. My eyes widen and I take off into the skies at top speed while I fly to school. "Something could have happened!" I think as I arrive to the building in forty seconds.

I land down on the ground and use my speed to run through the gates and get to my homeroom and slam the door open. "Surprise!" The class shouts as I look around and see the decorated classroom.

"We wanted to surprise you with a little celebration because of how you saved our asses last week." They explain and I sigh in relief. "What's wrong?" Tsu asks and I chuckle. "I thought something was wrong so I flew from Smallville to here in like a minute just after eating." I tell the class and they laugh.

"You shouldn't be breaking laws Midoriya!" Iida waves his hand and I smile. "Yeah, you're right." We all go to sit down and talk and a few moments later the door opens again. "I wonder who's the sub." Tokoyami wonders out loud.

A man wrapped in an entire body cast with a capture scarf draped around his neck walks in and the class gasps. "Mr Aizawa? Is it safe for you to be up already?" Hagakure asks and he groans. 

"Thank you for the concern but everything is fine. We have more important things to worry about, because your battles aren't over yet." The entire class impatiently waits for him to finish the sentence. 

"The annual UA Sports Festival is coming up in two weeks. This is a big deal, so train like crazy because heroes will be watching and this is your first impression on all of them. If they like you, then you will get an internship offer for their agency after the festival. You will pick out of all of your offers which one you would like to go to. If you didn't get any offers, don't worry, certain agencies will still take you." Aizawa announces and the entire class goes crazy.

"But sir! Is it really safe to be having the Sports Festival after what just happened?" Iida calls out and he sighs. "I thought the same way, but Principal Nezu thinks that it is a way of us showing that we still stand strong. Now onto a different subject."

"Today you will be choosing-" 

"Hero names! The official title you will be using for the rest of your career. This isn't supposed to be all fun, because most of the time you can't change your title and it could be something embarrassing you will have to stick with for the rest of your life." Midnight bursts into the room with her whip.

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