Chapter 37

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The warm morning sun hit Hope's face through the windows. She just laid with closed eyes trying to comprehend everything that happened the night before. She could smell him right by her side and her lips turned to a smile when she could sense him awake, staring at her. Landon caressed her cheek, brushing away the hair fallen over her face the moment she smiled. Hope still kept her eyes closed but couldn't hide her smile. Landon pressed a lingering kiss on her lips, then laid down facing her so close that Hope felt his warm breath on her face. She finally gave in and opened her eyes, feeling the need to see his beautiful green eyes.

"Were you staring at me sleeping?" Hope tried to sound offended but she couldn't stop smiling.

"I was gazing." Landon replied and Hope chuckled, but he looked so deeply into Hope's eyes that she felt utterly exposed, and not because she laid completely naked beside Landon. Her smile disappeared and her cheeks started to feel hot and red. Landon cupped her upper cheek that didn't lay on the pillow and traced her jaw and lips with his thumb.

"Well, stop gazing, it's creepy." Hope tried to lighten the mood and grabbed his hand on her face and kissed his palm. He finally smiled at her.

"I can't. I can' stop looking at the perfection you are. You are everything and more I ever dreamed of." Hope saw only love in his eyes which filled her heart completely. They both knew it was no ordinary what they were for each other. Their love was pure and powerful. They felt complete and happy in each other's arms. Landon had told Hope that she was his home and Hope couldn't imagine it any other way. He was her home too, they belonged together and no one ever could tear the bond between them apart.

Hope grabbed onto his neck and kissed him fiercely. He didn't hesitate, he cupped her face and kissed her back with passion. Hope pushed him on his back and climbed on top of him, straddling him, while her hands made their way into his hair while they made out. He was stroking her thighs on each side of him. Hope sat up, pulling him with her as he chased her lips. He held her close as he kissed down to her neck and her chest. They made love like that, holding each other close until they both collapsed with their release. They laid on the bed, Landon on his back and Hope cuddling into him, laying on his chest.

"This is so perfect." Hope sighed, not wanting to leave his warmth but she knew they had to get up sooner or later. They already missed their morning classes and they had hours of walking ahead of them to the school.

"I could imagine a life like this, with you. In the middle of nowhere, in a peaceful little cabin." He stroked her hair as he was wondering about their future and Hope smiled in content. How perfect it would be with him. "Maybe we'd need a bigger cabin for the kids." Landon chuckled and Hope suddenly stiffened, lifted up her head and looked into Landon's eyes with a confused and scared expression. "Your siblings." Landon added and Hope smiled with appreciation that he would include them in their future. They were eighteen, and Hope was definitely not ready to talk about the possibility of offsprings... she wasn't even sure if she wanted any. She basically raised two kids and knew all the hardships that came with it. She was definitely not ready for that again, not anytime soon. She sat up on the bed and her expression turned serious again.

"As soon as we get back I need to go to a pharmacy... we weren't too careful here." Hope said with a blush. Landon sat up facing her and kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault... I need to go into town anyway, I can go get it for you." Landon said with an embarrassed smile and Hope nodded.

"It's not your fault... we were both here and it's not like we had anything with us." Hope said reassuringly then she sighed loudly. "We should head back." She said it with a sigh and in response Landon's stomach growled loudly with hunger and they both laughed.

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