Chapter 28

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Hope spent the rest of her day back at school with her siblings. She didn't truly discuss with Landon what exactly happened, she wasn't sure she was able to talk about it... she had no idea how she felt about everything. The thing she knew was that she needed to get Grace back under the same roof as she was. The thought that she was in the same house with that horrific hybrid made her stomach turn. This hybrid was the reason Hope was a freak of nature... well, he was the reason she was even born and she already hated him. Freya couldn't be more wrong about him. Hope almost believed her when she told her that he was different and loving and kind. Hope saw nothing in his eyes but hatred and wickedness. He was exactly the person she read about in the book titled 'The great evil'.

Later that night, after Hope tucked the kids in and said their good nights, she was walking up to her room. She hoped she could spend another night with Landon, she really needed him to hold her through the night. As she was opening her room door, Raf stopped her and greeted her before she could enter.

"Hey Hope." Hope turned to him, but she had no desire to talk to the alpha. "Wolves are having a party at the Old Mill tonight, you are welcome to come."

"Oh thanks Raf... I don't think I am up for it tonight." Hope replied and turned away from him, stepping into her room.

"Maybe you can actually convince my brother to come too. I always invite him but he never comes to our parties. It will be fun." He added.

"I will think about it." Hope faked a smile so he would leave her alone already. She was definitely not going to go to a party. Luckily this answer was enough for Raf and he left. Hope got ready for bed. She dressed in sweatpants and a simple white cotton shirt and just as she was ready, someone was knocking on her door. She smiled to herself, hoping it was her boyfriend. She opened it and her smile grew even bigger when she saw it was indeed Landon.

"I thought I would say good night." He smiled and gave a quick peck on her mouth.

"Oh... I thought you were going to stay." Hope said with a disappointed tone. Landon caressed her cheek, cupped her face and looked into her eyes.

"I hoped you'd ask... didn't want to intrude. I know you had a difficult day"

"And that is exactly why I need you to hold me tonight." Hope replied and kissed him properly.

"How are you feeling?" Landon asked after they broke away from each other.

"I don't know what I expected from him." Hope shrugged. "I mean we knew what he was."

"I'm sure he'll regret ever talking to you that way when he finds out who you are."

"Why would he even care... It's not like he knows me or has ever been around me. Let's face it, he has a daughter just like I had a father. We are never going to be that to each other." Hope sighed loudly with a slight of disappointment.

"You two have a lifetime to work on your relationship. You told me Freya wasn't around her siblings for a thousand years and yet, they love each other because they are family. Freya loves you I know and he will too if he finds out you are his daughter."

"I'm not sure if I want him to find out. I don't think he even wants to find me. I guess he replaced his long lost daughter with Lizzie." Hope said with annoyance and a hint of jealousy in her voice.

"Not you being jealous of Lizzie?" Landon asked with a smile as he tugged a stray lock of hair behind Hope's ear.

"No, I'm not! Why would I be? I mean I barely see my own sister because of her so I guess I resent her in some way... but it's definitely not about Klaus. She can be his daddy's girl all she wants." Hope crossed her arms and there was definitely jealousy in her tone.

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