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You don't need to read this. You can just skip to the story but if you do read this, then you would know why I wrote this...

This piece of work means a lot to me. I have expressed all of my emotions into this. And a few real live experiences.

This book to me is what the album WALLS is to Louis Tomlinson. This is something I had to get out of my chest. I've written this with a lot of honesty. ('honest' an adjective that Louis uses to describe his album)

People always keep on saying that when you have a problem you must speak about it... but what are you supposed to do when you don't have anyone to talk to?

What are you supposed to do when you when you scream out for help but no one even notices...

What are you supposed to do when people hate you and you don't even know what you ever did wrong to them?

What are you supposed to do when you dislike the person you are just because others tell you that you are not good enough?

Well the answers to this- I don't know.

How to deal with this- I don't know.

How am dealing with it- Honestly I genuinely don't know but I thought at least I could express how I feel here.

Most of you may not relate to this, so just enjoy the read? And people who do relate, please know that you are not the only one we are all in this together!! : )

I don't even know if I would get as many readers here but it doesn't matter. I wrote this for myself... A place where I can talk... I would say this is a one sided talk but honestly I love reading the comments. So this isn't one sided.

*Please don't comment something that will hurt someone.*



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