(10.) Falling From Grace.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ratchet And Clank: Rift Apart. I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Hope you enjoy.)

Ratchet always held hope.

No matter what, he held hope close to home. That everything would back to normal. Peace would be brought back.

Ratchet always had Clank. Making them complete.

"Buddy?" He asked slowly. "What did you feel?"

The robot slowly made eye contact. Guilt and frustration swelled inside the optics. Holding emotion even when not meant to.

"I felt..." Clank replied, sighing. "Complete."

Ratchet growled, teeth baring as he approached the bot. Pulling him close, keep contact with his eyes.


Clank grabbed Ratchet's forearm. Keeping still, he nodded calmly. Possessiveness knew no bound in his friend.


He relaxed, placing his head on top of Clank's. They stayed like that for a while. Luckily the morts welcomed them back on Sargasso.

Being without Rivet had its perks.

"I heard she betrayed you." A Mort passing muttered lowly. "We all used to be friends. Then she turned into our worst enemy."

"But why?"

Ratchet asked in frustration. He couldn't understand this dimension. What happened to make everybody at war? Nefarious winning? His counterpart evil?

"The emperor got ahold of her." Another Mort gave them the information. "She went insane. Started killing. Got rid of our best soldiers. Even betrayed Skidd, phantom. Whatever he's called."

Ratchet hung his head down. He couldn't make eye contact with any of them. Guilt bubbled up inside his chest. Feeling like this was his fault.

Somehow it was.

"Is there anything we can do?"

One Mort only stared sadly. "Save us."

Ratchet's hero duty swore him to.


Rivet wondered if she ever saved anyone.

Kit hadn't spoke to her in a couple of days. A tinge of confusion transformed into anger which then turned into rage and into depression.

What had she done?

Rivet knew she was evil. Performed unforgivable acts, but it wasn't her goal. She only obeyed the emperor's orders.

What else could she do?

Nothing, only obey.

She often listened to the voice over reality. It often comforted the Lombax. Assured Rivet she was doing the right thing.

Yet something else said otherwise.

Save Kit!....Get...Out...

It sounded like it drowned. Underwater and unable to swim out of its watery prison. She called it the subconscious.

He's using you!

The emperor rules all.

Both voices fought over who she wanted to hear. A ringing sensation started building up. The Lombax forced herself to get used to it.

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