(1). Way Back When.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ratchet And Clank: Rift Apart. I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(ZaneChan505 and qwertuno and -RENN1E And SilentReadersMatter and joycethebooklover and Mycurrentfandom)

(Hope you enjoy.)

Rivet often missed her arm.

She'd been normal. A normal Lombax.

That had been long ago. Now, she stood before the empower who she'd fought on many occasions, his bots assaulting each time she fought of numbers.

Slamming the hammer down on a nefarious drone. The ones shooting lasers caused kite trouble than necessary. Way more than necessary.

She growled, managing a sprint to temporarily startling it enough to swing the hammer on its glass head. It felt so satisfying.

"Heh, Neferious! Looks like your vulnerable."

Her grin faltered as she heard....cackling? Rivet's expression turned into confusion. It'd been a simple task of disabling a building to managing guards off.

'Turning to heck really.'

Rivet watched the self proclaimed emperor step a few closer in closing the distance. Tension started sleeping into the room.

"Oh my dear, Rivet." He simply held the gun cockily as always. Yet another flow of robots smoothly passing like transitions in a video game. "Looks like you really don't know. Your all alone. Like always."

Rivet's metal started heating. Sweat poured down the female Lombax's head. Alone. She's alone.

Like always.

"And the plans I have in store are rioting, my dear little Lombax. You are mine. And you will SERVE YOUR EMPEROR!"

Rivet's exhaustion unfortunately caught up. Panting heavily from hours, feeling like days of fighting, an unexpected blast to the head did the job.

Rivet's world became dark.


Rivet was attached to table facing upside up. Hooks buried into her skin and she screamed as freaking electricity blasted.



Pain was present in her tone. Just how long had she been like this? Who could be twisted enough to be responsible?

The power travelled along the hooks. Her limbs were strapped down and she couldn't move a muscle.

Her eyes were closed and she screamed every time it happened. The pain would do never cease. It would always come no matter what.

"HNGNNN!" She let out a shriek as it continued. "I HATE YOU!"

"Tell me the resistance location."

Rivet whined. "N-no."

The statement was met with more. Blue currents flashed on and off as the crank turned up more. The pain increase along with it.


Her echoes of pain then arrived with something else. Roaring was present as well. She had never done that before.

"Subject #01 has been cleared." A female voice spoke. "Responds positive to pain, no violent signs apart from yelling. Probably needs to be sedated."

The speech was coming from a speaker. It seemed like the guys in white were upstairs.

Lord Nefarious watched in absolute delight and horror as she screamed and yelled in pain. She needed help, though no creature busted the door open as the miraculous saviour saw this.

Patting snapped him out of trance, he looked down to see the robot's worried eyes. But now they needed to get back on task.

He ran into the room and looked around. It was the same as his minus the table and bodies.

Machines beeped with bottoms and scanners along with the hooks. All of them were attached to the wall. Ivy's suffering made him feel like a piece of shit.

"Please stop!"


His shout was muffled as the electricity drowned out every piece of hearing she ever had. All she knew was the buzzing, the hooks, and the pain.

'How am I not dead? Wait, he won't let me die.'

"Will you tell me now?"

He threw things off the desk to reveal a big red button. The rule was well known about these things.

'Please be like a movie. And just stop this.'

"AHHHHHHHH!" Rivet struggled and her leg straps snapped out of their place. "LET ME OUT!"

And he did, Nefarious smashed the button. The hope she held onto was true and the machine hummed as it came to a stop.

Rivet's eyes rolled into the back of her head as everything came loose. She dropped to the floor and laid face first. She did not move.

It's been going on hours.

Lord Nefarious simply chuckled. Hands placed neatly behind his back, pacing around the helpless Lombax. He'd especially had his men take the arm.

Probably the highlight of his day.

"Now, Rivet." He started slowly. "You have proven...useful in pitiful attempts to dethrone the rightful ruler of this city. Me."

Rivet growled, baring fangs. She's resorted to basic instinct. If the need to attack came, she'd obey.

Even if she died, at least her dignity would be there.

Nefarious has other plans.


Rivet's interest peaked. The assistant robot placed something in the base of the furred neck. A chip of some sorts designed to enslave the untameable.

And Rivet fit neatly in that category.

Within a second, the machine switched on, and Rivet could feel a burning pain start to sweep up and down through her skin.

Body tensed as she screamed, trying to fight against the change. But the darkness was winning, and soon there would be nothing left to her soul.

Nefarious watched the pathetic attempt. Hours passed, Rivet's eyes opening. She stood, hammer in hand and robot arm attached.

A smirk appeared on the emperor's face the moment they made eye contact. River's grin mirrored his own. He decided to test his new control.

"What are you?"

Rivet stayed silent a moment. The pair stood in his office with guards posed outside incase of a failing scenarios. Rivet's now crimson eyes scanned him.

"What is your purpose?"

The next words she said made him cackle in villainous glee. He'd finally obtained the enemy.

"To destroy the resistance."

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