(5.) Double-Double Vision.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ratchet And Clank: Rift Apart. I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Hope you enjoy.)

It's not long after Rivet catches wind of news.

The..dimensions are falling apart?

How did she not hear? Why did the emperor not say? Didn't he dare? The citizens could be in-


Thoughts pausing, a cruel, cruel irony finally dawned upon the unspectacular Lombax. She laughed silently. Bitterly. As a mechanism.

How many have you killed?

Rivet stared at the floor. She looked at Clank somehow concerned gaze (when had anyone last gave that kind of a heck?) as she stared at the...

Emperors? There's two.

Dr and Lord Nefarious sit and chat like two old friends who'd been reunited years later. It's strange, it's frightening, Rivet wanted to run away.

Too bad she'd been spotted.

"My dear Rivet, come here!"

She's forcefully dragged near as the other Nefarious stared at the Lombax in surprise and is that...shame expressed on his robotic face?

Rivet blinked once. It'd gone and go and went.

"My dear other me." Lord started, River sticking to what she knew so the two didn't get mixed up. "As your Lombax is making trouble, I made sure to tame mine-"

"You actually tamed your mortal enemy?!" Doctor doesn't spot Clank cringing behind Rivet. She wants to do the same. "How?!"

"Easy." River's arm twinged again. The emperor placed his metallic hand, tracing the outline. "I made sure to...rearrange certain parts."

River's it's her mind and conscious he's talking about. The darn other voice is always screaming.

"Master?" River gently interrupted, carefully not flinching when the Emperor gave his attention. "I brought the robot as you requested."

The doctor easily took Clank away. He wasn't in Rivet's grasp anymore. She waited a second.

"Check on a prisoner. Your dismissed. Stop at the infirmary to fix injuries."

Who ever said the emperor wasn't kind?

Rivet obeyed and walked away. She internally repossessed emotions of guilt and anxiety.

Clank's not safe anymore.


Ratchet learned you shouldn't go head.

But a feeling of dread and anxiety gave him reason to doubt instincts. He managed to find a thing called glitch. The phantom handed it as a gift.

 The phantom handed it as a gift

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