Surprise or Shock

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The next morning was obviously beautiful, it had to be.. The first morning after the long awaited confession.... Love was blooming in the air.

Probably for the first time in life Sai got up before her set alarms. Don't know the boy downstairs slept or just smiled the whole night. As when the Sun peeked from small gap between his curtains it found him lying horizontally on the bed with some million dollars smile.

He energetically jumped out of the bed and came out of his room to find Sai coming down all dressed up. Virat looked at her with a smile. He felt happy that he doesn't have to take off his eyes from her now.

"Hii..." Virat said "Hi" and Sai Said "Good....Mor..." at the same time. which made both of them to laugh

"Good Morning" she smiled

"Indeed it's a 'Good' Morning" he flirtatiously replied

"Waise, It's only 8! Where are you heading to?" He asked

"Oh, I got an appointment just going to get these bandages changed and will directly come to the Embassy from there" she explained

"Just give me 10 minutes, I'll come too" he said, he wanted her take rest for some more days but he very well knew she won't listen so he decided not to argue and simply go with her.

They came out of the house.

"Only my hand is injured, my legs are all fine you don't need to hold my hands" she innocently said as Virat tried to hold her hand but she quickly took her hand back.

"Bappa!!" he looked up to the sky

"I am not holding it for that reason" he sulkingly said


"I am holding it as a man holds his lady's hand" he softly took her hand in his. She blushed.

"Actually I don't know anything being in ... you know what....It's my first time being in lov...

"Being in love" he raised his eye brow and whispered "Don't worry I will teach you I know everything, I have an ample amount of experience" he flaunted

"I mean I have seen many of my friends in college and schools" he quickly covered up.

They reached to the Embassy. Obviously not hand in hand just like perfect professionals.

"Virat, Even if you had any relationships I don't mind. I want to be a part of your present and future not the past" Sai said when Virat was leaving for his cabin.

As soon as she entered the Cabin whole embassy gathered in and they left there were bundle of get well soon cards, flower bouquets, good luck charms on her table. What made her emotional was 'Prasad'. They actually conducted pooja for her well being even though it was just a minor accident. She whole heartedly thanked god for giving her these bunch of pure soul idiots.

Sai's Aaba knew about them she told him everything that very day.

A week passed, Samrat knew something has surely changed between them but they haven't shared anything with him. He too decided to to give some time to them.

Every one in the Embassy can feel the love blooming in the air around them.
As there is a saying you can hide the love but you can't hide the vibrant display of happiness of love on your faces.

One beautiful evening in the Tokyo, well needless to say every evening is beautiful when you are in love, In their house Virat and Sai, sitting in the balcony with a cup of Tea in their hands, enjoying the chilled weather of Tokyo.

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