Blackout or Someone's Heart out?

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Have a good read!! 😊😊


The clocks striked 9. . .  Dinner was peace fully done without any injury to anyone. . . Both of them sat on the huge table facing each other. It looked no less than a two party meeting  between a developed and an underdeveloped country. . .

"Tea breaks, Friendly matches during free time, Half an hour music after work hours, Friendly matches during holidays, celebration of Indian festivals . . . . . . " Sai read the demands one by one

"These are the normal!! Why you have made such a big issue of these little things? anyone could have asked me this verbally as well"  She wondered

"Its because of your terror, this powerful but frightening aura you carry with yourself" Virat said

"See if you talking about that vinegar scene.Then let me tell you, I have never done that before, you are the first, it was just an impulsive reaction because you got me irritated me up to the hell" She defended

"I hope last too!! But right now I m talking about your terror in Embassy" He mumbled

"I never said anything to anyone why they are so afraid of me??" She innocently asked

"Its all because of this expression of yours like 'A governor of British era' that you always carry!! Thats enough to scare anyone" He enacted her, that made her to burst into smile

"You look good when you smile" he said almost in instantaneous reaction, that made her to immediately stop smiling

"I mean everyone looks good when smiling" He quickly said

"Hmm" she nodded

"What do you think I should do to lessen that fear in them?" She asked

"Just carry your smile Miss Joshi!!"  He gestured to smile

"Whatttt happened?" She suddenly said , as the lights went out

"I think there might be some problem with the fuse" Virat said

"Then go and check no?!" She asked

Sai could only hear his voice as it was pitch dark

"Is it a power cut?" She asked

"Power cut in Japan?" He switched on his flash light "Where is this fuse box?!!!"

"You have been living here since so long!! Its right at the corner there" she threw light at the entrance

"Ok!! Are they back on?" Virat asked, while clicking two three switches up and down


"Huh!! How come they are not back?" He wondered while coming down from the chair

"Now you can stop throwing light at my face" he said with twinkling eyes

" I think there is a power cut, see its all dark outside" She looked around

"Hello, yes Mr Nohara!" Virat got a call

"Is everything okay?"  Mr Nohara asked

"yeah I m fine!! safe at home" Virat replied

"I heard about blackout in our area, I was worried about you, They said trains had stopped too because of blackout, am glad you have reached home" he said, worried

"We are fine!! take care of yourself" he hung up

He got few more calls, all inquiring the same

"Its just a power cut!! why everyone is worrying so much??" She asked

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